Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fall 1908 - The Beginning of the End

Results for Fall, 1908 (Movement)

General Notices:

No retreating units; retreat phase skipped.Order resolution
completed on 29-Jun-2010 at 06:51:46 EDT

Order Results:


Austria: A ser Supports A rum


France: F adr Supports A ven -> triFrance: A alb -> syr

Convoy path taken: alb→ion→eas→syr.

France: F apu HoldsFrance: A bur -> mun

Bounced with mun (2 against 2).

France: F eas Convoys A alb -> syrFrance: A edi HoldsFrance:
F ion Convoys A alb -> syrFrance: F lon -> nth

Bounced with nwy (1 against 1).

France: F nap -> tysFrance: A pie -> marFrance: A tyr
Supports A bur -> munFrance: A ven -> triFrance: F wes
-> mao


Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 3.

Germany: A ber -> kieGermany: A gal -> budGermany: F hol
-> belGermany: A mun Supports A sil -> boh

Support cut by Move from Burgundy.

Germany: F nth -> engGermany: F nwy -> nth

Bounced with lon (1 against 1).

Germany: A ruh Supports A munGermany: A rum Supports A serGermany:
A sev -> armGermany: A sil -> bohGermany: A ukr -> sevGermany:
A war -> gal


Turkey: F bla HoldsTurkey: A bul Supports F greTurkey: F con
Supports A bulTurkey: F gre Supports A bulTurkey: F smy Holds

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