Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Well, it appears Chris has gone AWOL for good. I still haven't heard from him. I hope nothing serious has happened. In either case, he's out and due for replacement. Damian raises a good point. We're not even one move in and already we have an issue. My first instinct was to replace Chris with someone outside the original draw. (Tony pointed out to me that Matt and Bill already have a vested interest in the game.) So Owen was my first choice. I think he'd be willing to join in. the risk of bringing in another player who might be forced (due to a variety of other commitments) to not submit moves regularly, Damian's Suggestion is well taken.

It shuffles in ACTIVE players

It gives Matt and Bill another chance of having a country to call their own.

I don't have to Be Italy anymore..I hope.

So I put it to you in the form of a poll. Please vote by wednesday and post any arguments of comments you have.

1. I want Owen to fill in for Chris and take the roll of Austria Hungary (moves are due ON Friday December 5th)

2. I want a drawing between Owen, Bill, Matt and any other not yet aforementioned candidate to fill in for Chris (Moves due ON Friday December 5th)

3. We should throw everyone's name in the hat and redraw again. (Moves are due next Wednesday December 10th - to allow for negotiations and to give tony time to redraw players)

4. We declare Chris to be in civil disorder and move on with the game.

Please let me know your thoughts. His is related to me so feel free to blame me for his absence. Photoshop jobs encouraged.



At this point we should just start a new game, all this waiting is pretty stupid.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Civil Disorder Should not be an Option

The entire game will be adversley effected if we allow Austria-Hungary to go into civil disorder on turn number 1... and I say that as someone who stands to benefit from it!

If Chris doesn't want to play then we should assign the country to someone else, who wanted a country but didn't get one.

I volunteer to sever ties with my brother and take over the reigns of power in Austria Hungary.


already sent the info

I'm not sure what Chris is up to, I'll call him again. I've already sent an email explaining the procedure (Sunday) and called to explain last Friday. I'll see if I can get him to submit at some point today. I don't know what the issue is. A Deadline of Friday is fine and after that civil disorder rules apply. I'll let him know.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Moving on with the Spring of 1901

It appears our last player is taking their time getting their moves submitted.  I believe it is important we don't leave him behind for the first turn.  That being said, I also think that a deadline of midnight Friday EST for his submission of moves is reasonable.  I have contacted Tom in hopes that he can communicate with our player and get them moving.

I will accept Chris' moves via Tom, if that will get them submitted sooner.

I will begin reviewing what I have now, so when I receive his submissions, I can post the results that much quicker.

This is taking a really long time . . .

I know it's the first turn . . . but there has got to be some limit on how long we will wait. Can we please set a deadline at which Civil Disorder will be declared?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting...

We wait on one country, Austria-Hungary, to submit, then I will being processing the spring of 1901.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Midnight PST sounds fine for a deadline.  Remember, for the first year we will wait for everyone to get their moves in before proceeding.  Since next week is a holiday week, we can postpone submission deadline to the following week, Friday Dec 5th.  But if all moves are submitted, I will process them.  After 1901, we will impose the 24 hour rule.  After we wait 24 hours, your units will all hold.  If anything will prevent you from submitting, please contact me, and we will delay the processing.  But if you do not contact me, we move on without you.

I typically won't process until mid afternoon/ early evening the following day.  

I'll do my best to change colors of either Russia or England

Friday, November 21, 2008

Addendum to the Rules

Josh Brings up a good point that Craig was either too lazy or stupid to bring up before. I would say that 2AM east coast and 12am PST works fine for me.

The colors, the colors

This game can we (Tony) change either Russia or Englands color as they are the same and last game got confusing to look at when both countries were tied up in the north. I don't mind if it's Russia that gets the change in color.

When are moves due?

Time is a factor since I'm in the Pacific Time Zone. My request would be Midnight PST.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Josh's email

Chris's email

Chris, the archduke of Austria has his email posted as:

Tick Tock, Tick Tock

The deadline for submission of moves is fast approaching.  Two weeks have flown by.  Any parties feeling that they are ready can submit by midnight Friday.  There will be a great deal of flexibility for this first round.  I will not proceed without everyone, but that will change.  After the first year, there will be a 24 hour grace period for all required submissions.  Unless I am otherwise contacted, I will move on without you.  So with these ground rules laid out, please submit your moves in a timely fashion to

Lets have a good clean game.  And I look forward to playing with all of you.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm with Stupid <--> I'm with Stupid

I'll be playing sideshow to my brother in Turkey.


Just so everyone knows everyone's email, I'm going to attempt to post them all, or at least all the emails I have.

France - Tony -
England - Craig -
Germany - Leo - & Bill -
Italy - Tom -
Russia - Damian -
Turkey - Josh - ???(Josh, if you can post your email, that would be helpful, or if anyone else knows it please post it)
Austria-Hungary - Chris - ???(Chris or Tom, if you could post your email, that would be helpful)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Ach du liebe Zeit!

That's right. We teamed up. With our combined pretentiousness, there is nothing we cannot affect to know.

Looking for a buddy? (Personal Ad)

According to our original post, and Tony mentioned it in his as well, people not picked can partner up. As Italy for the second game in a row, this could be a lot more fun with someone else to work with. Also, I would be willing to take a back seat for much of december and the early game, considering I have to construct an entire set for " A Christmas Carol" and put on the show in the first week of that month. Followed by the break down and clean-up.

So, door's open boys, make me a pitch and Italy's heart could be yours.

I enjoy semolina flour, Renaissance artwork, Papal authority not based in France, random convoys into people's territory when they least expect it, and daisies. Send me an email, let me know if you're looking for a spot and I'm happy to work together.

Note: any alliance with a country owned by Bill will be unaccepatable. Unless Bill winds up being my partner in which case I will launch an attack against myself.


If you want to contact France, my email is  


I see that I've been excluded from this game.  Well played, gentlemen: well palyed.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Emailen, bitte?/Emails, please?

Können wir alle noch einmal unsere Emailaddresse als einen Anschlag am Blog machen? Vielleicht will ich diesem Chris einen Email schicken, aber wie kann ich das machen, wenn ich keine Emailaddresse von Chris haben?

Vielen Dank,

Otto von Bevorwundung
Could we all post our email addresses once again to the blog? Say I want to email this Chris fellow - how could I do that, if I don't have his email address?


Otto von Bevorwundung

(p.s. in case you haven't realized it yet, the most intolerable pedantry is going to be on display from my portion of the board. That's what happens when chance makes me Germany!)

1901 - Starting Positions






















RUSSIA (Damian)




F-St. Petersburg SC





The Draw

Here is how it all played out.
1 - Leo - Germany
2 - Damian - Russia
3 - Craig - England
4 - Tom - Italy
5 - Chris - Austria-Hungary
6 - Josh - Turkey
7 - Tony - France
8 - Mike
9 - Matt
10 - Bill

Those who did not get drawn can choose to team up with any player they would like.  If family members would like to team up, (Matt and Josh, Mike and myself) or old friend/enemies (Bill and Leo, Bill and Craig, etc) please let the group know of your union so we can give you all the rights that solo players have.

The first set of moves will be due 2 fridays from now, Nov 21.  We will take a break, if necessary, for the week of Thanksgiving.  I'll try to keep things moving as quickly as possible.  I will post the emails of all those playing shortly.  So happy hunting to all.

Ranking is rank


I may be in the minority on this one, but I'm going to cast my vote against the implementation of any kind of long-term ranking system.  Three reasons: First, not everyone plays every game, so the players who play more games will be over-represented in the tally.  Second, in the event of a draw, points are divided equally and there is thus no recognition of obvious differences in skill level exhibited during play.  (For example, if I had agreed to a draw when Tony first offered it last game, I, though in possession of only two supply centers and having played erratically, would have garnered the same number of points as Tony and Leo, who obviously played a better game.)  Last, and superseding the first two, a ranking system would distract from what should be the ultimate purpose of this game, which is to keep in touch with old friends and have fun -- and occasionally to launch vicious attacks on each others' intelligence and honor.  Honestly, I don't think we need to keep track electronically of how many times we succeed or fuck up.  We already do that in our heads.

Unless, of course, we all agree to chip in to buy a prostitute for the first person to reach 1,000 points -- in which case, I'd like to point out that according to Ranking System #2, I have 20 points and Tony has 5.

-- Bill

P.S.  Did I mention that ranking is lame?

Ranking system...

In a short while Tony will post the draw and the new assignments. Let's just say I'm less than pleased with mine, but hey, whatever.

We had discussed a system for giving points based on performance. While we only play about 2 games a year at the pace we go, it looks like, after a full year, this is something that will keep going for a while. And It's a fun little diversion during the week. Anyhow, I will post a poll on the following options, please vote for one.

1. No ranking system. ( I lose often and don't feel like having it broadcast.)

2. A Ranking system that awards 20 points for a solo victory or divides those 20 points equally in the event of a draw. Should a solo victory occur, survivors will get one point for each center they have left divided by 2.

3. A Ranking system that awards 100 points for 1st place, 80 for second, 60 for third, 40 for fourth, and no points for5, 6 or 7th place. When the game ends in a solo victory the above applies. Your ranking is determined by a combination of #1 your order of elimination and #2 the number of centers you have when the game ends. Players without centers cannot have a ranking or share of any points awarded. When it ends in a draw, all points are divided equally (out of 100 total)

4. Another suggestion not listed here, but I DO favor a ranking system moving forward.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Still on the fence

Hey fellas. After much deliberation in my head, I am still on the fence in regards to throwing my hat into the ring. I have been incredibly busy, and wouldn't want to hold up the party by neglecting my diplomatic duties. However, if there is a need for one more spot, I am totally in. I had a great time playing with you guys last year, and would love to engage in global domination once again. I have kept up with the last round, and applaud Tom, Leo and Tony on a hard-fought battle towards a 3-way tie. I also applaud all of you for your various hysterical picture posts. Fight on, and hopefully I'll rejoin the fracas soon!

The Craigish Returns

Following my dismal performance last round, I'd like the chance to redeem myself, and pointedly never trust Leo again.

I await your orders.


Let's get it on.

"Someone had blundered, their lot was not to make reply, theirs was but to do and die, into the valley of death rode the 600." - Charge of the Light Brigade

It appears we have interest in starting a new game within the month. to gauge interest, if you haven't already posted, do so in the next week. I'll send out an alert on facebook. SO far, Bill, Tony, Damian, Matt and Myself have posted.

Lets do this.