Saturday, February 28, 2009

Fall 1905


Retreats due for Austria, England, and Russia by tonight, Saturday.  I will process them in the morning.  Any retreats not receieved will be disbanded.

Austria Hungary
F Black Sea S A Armenia -> Stevastopol
A Serbia -> Rumania
A Vienna -> Galicia
A Trieste -> Budapest
A Piedmont -> Tyrolia 

Sweden to Norway with support of North Sea
North Sea support Sweden to Norway
Picardy to Belgium
Brest to Gascony with support of Paris
North Africa to Tunis
Gulf of Lyon support Mid Atlantic to West Med

A Gascony to Marseilles
A Spain supports A Gascony to Marseilles
F Portugal to MAO
A Burgundy to Belgium

Silesia -> Warsaw
Bohemia S Tyrolia -> Vienna
Tyrolia ->Vienna
Munich -> Ruhr
Paris S Brest -> Gascony

A Arm -> Ste
A Bul S A Ser -> Rum
F Con -> Aeg
F Nap -> Ion
F Tyn S F WMS -> GoL
F WMS -> GoL
A Ven -> Tus

No Submissions, Civil Disorder declared.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Final Spring 1905 w/ Retreats

With the retreats the map looks like this.
Orders for the Fall 1905 are due Friday evening.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Spring 1905 retreats

Austria-Hungary must retreat Rumania to Budapest or Serbia or disband, and must retreat Tyrolia to Piedmont or disband.
Germany has to retreat Vienna to Bohemia or disband
Russia's unit in the BS was forced to retreat off the board as there was no shelter remaining for it.

Spring 1905

The moves...
The results...

The orders...

A Budapest -> Vienna
A Trieste S A Budapest -> Vienna
A Rumania ->  Galicia
A Tyrolia -> Bohemia
F Ankara -> Black Sea

Sweden hold
London to North Sea
Picardy support Burgundy to Paris 
Brest support English Channel to Mid Atlantic
Mid Atlantic to North Africa
Tyrhennian Sea to Gulf of Lyon

A Gascony to Paris
A Marseilles to Burgundy
A Spain holds
F Portugal to Mid Atlantic

Burgundy -> Paris
Vienna -> Budapest
Bohemia -> Tyrolia
Munich S Bohemia -> Tyrolia
Silesia S Galicia

A Ven S Tyr
F Tun -> Wes
F Ion -> Tyn
A Gre -> Bul
A Smy -> Arm
F Con S F Ank -> Bla
F Nap H

A Ukraine -> Rumania
N Black Sea S Ukraine-> Rumania
A Galicia S Ukraine-> Rumania
A Sevastopol S Ukraine-> Rumania
A Norway Holds

Monday, February 16, 2009

Winter 1904 is complete.

Builds and disbands are highlighted with color.
Here is what we have going into Spring 1905.
Receiving 4 votes, and the winner of the poll is the following:
Orders will from this point forward be due on Friday nights.  I will process them on Saturday morning between 6 and 9am, so if your late, so if they are not in by the time I process you will be in civil disorder.  Same applies for Saturday for retreats/disbands, and Sundays for winter adjustments.  Thats the deal, any questions, please ask.  Orders for Spring 1905 due Friday night.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

1904 - An Illustrated History

ABOVE: Tom is regretting voting for that stupid ranking system right about now.

ABOVE: Tony cradles his most cherished possession. Now whose security interests are served by an English invasion of Italy, I wonder...

ABOVE: Tony is cracking under the weight of his responsibilities. He shouldn't feel bad, though. Processing is a hard job. Not all men can do it.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Winter Adjustment 1904

Austria Hungary now controls 6 centers and may build 1 unit.  There are no vacant centers so his build will be waived for 1904.
England now controls 6 centers and may build 1 unit.
France now controls 4 centers and must destroy 1 unit.
Germany now controls 6 centers and may build 1 unit.
Italy now controls 7 centers and may build 1 unit.
Russia now controls 5 centers and must destroy 1 unit.
Turkey now controls 0 centers.  He has no units, and is out of the game.

Adjustments are due by end of the day Sunday.

Winter 1904

Retreats are due Sunday.  If you get them in tonight that would be grand.

Retreat Vienna to Trieste or disband the unit.
Retreat Constantinople to Bulgaria, Ankara, or disband the unit
Retreat Brest to Gascony or disband the unit.

Once retreats are in I will update build totals.

Fall 1904

Let me begin by commenting about all my emails lately.  Processing takes time.  More than it would first appear, and so I'd like to propose the new timeline established in my email.  Friday order submission, Saturday, retreats if necessary, and Sunday for the winter build.  Why do we need a 24 hour extension if instead of Friday night, 3/4 of the players submit for Saturday, it makes no sense, we might as well just have a deadline of Saturday, which is also a choice.  I think we need to keep this game moving, and the best way to do that is to have some harsh, yet consistent deadlines.  So I've posted a poll, get your votes in, whatever is the winner will start for Spring of 1905.  

And now more important business.  

The orders were as follows:
A Budapest S A Rumania
A Trieste -> Tyrolia
A Vienna S A Trieste -> Tyrolia
A Galicia -> Ukraine
A Rumania S Galicia -> Urkaine
F Constantinople -> Black Sea

Sweden hold
Belgium to Picardy
English Channel to Brest with support from Mid Atlantic
Mid Atlantic support English Channel to Brest
West Med to Tyrhenian Sea

A Paris supports A Brest
A Brest supports A Paris
A Piedmont to Marseilles
A Spain supports F Portugal
F Portugal supports A Spain

silesia s warsaw->galicia
tyrolia ->vienna
bohemia s tyrolia ->vienna
ns ->ec

F EMS -> Ion
F Ion -> Tun
A Gre H
F Aeg -> Con
A Smy S F Aeg -> Con
A Ven S A Tri -> Ty

F, Black Sea Supports Sevastopol-> Rumania
A Sevastopol -> Rumania
A Ukraine S Sevastopol -> Rumania
A Warsaw -> Galicia
F Barents Sea S Sweden
(Unable to support unit, BS holds)
A Sweden Holds
(Incorrect unit, Norway holds)

And that results in...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Spring 1904

The orders...
And the results...
Several quick notes, first to Leo, Paris is not adjacent to Belgium, so stop trying to  send a unit from there.  It held its position.  

Second, to Josh and all others, revisions will no longer be accepted if the deadline for submissions is past.  It gets to be complicated.  Stick with your first instincts.  If I get revisions after the deadline, I'll disregard them.  

Owen & Craig, Team Russia's unit will retreat from Galicia to Warsaw unless you give the order to disband it.

Also, Tom Mullane, RIP
If I was Bill I'd do a photoshop of a grave stone with the epitaph, The Turkey is Done.

Fall 1904 orders due Friday.  Players not submitted within 24 hours of the deadline will go into civil disorder, this is your only warning.

The written orders, I'm not making them pretty anymore.  It takes too much time.  This is what the program gives me, so figure it out.      


        Austria: A boh -> galAustria: A bud Supports A boh -> galAustria: 
        F bul/sc -> conAustria: A rum -> sev

          Bounced with sev (1 against 1). 
        Austria: A ser -> triAustria: A vie Supports A boh -> gal

        England: A bel -> pic

          Bounced with bre (1 against 1). 
        England: F eng Supports F iri -> maoEngland: F iri -> maoEngland: 
        F mao -> wesEngland: A swe Holds

        France: A bre -> pic

          Bounced with bel (1 against 1). 
        France: A gas -> spaFrance: A mar -> pieFrance: A par 
        HoldsFrance: F por Supports A gas -> spa

        No order for unit at Tyrolia. Hold order assigned.Germany: 
        A mun -> bohGermany: A ruh -> burGermany: A sil Supports 
        A galGermany: F ska -> nthGermany: A tyr Holds

        Italy: F aeg Supports F bul/sc -> conItaly: F eas -> smy

          Failed because Italy: A smy -> ank failed. 
        Italy: A gre HoldsItaly: F ion Supports A greItaly: A smy 
        -> ank

          Bounced with con (1 against 1). 
        Italy: A ven -> tyr

          Bounced with tyr (1 against 1). 

        Russia: F ank -> blaRussia: A gal Supports A war -> ukr

          Support cut by Move from Bohemia. Dislodged from boh 
          (3 against 2). 
        Russia: A nwy HoldsRussia: A sev Supports A war -> ukr

          Support cut by Move from Rumania. 
        Russia: F stp/nc -> barRussia: A war -> ukr

        The Fleet in Constantinople cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
        Turkey: F con -> ank

          Bounced with smy (1 against 1). Dislodged from bul (2 
          against 1). 

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The winter of 1903 is over.

Thank you Josh for your promptness.  Italy builds in Venice.  And so we move on with Spring 1904.  I think we can squeeze the spring of 1904 in by Sunday, don't you all.  I've added a poll, please give me your feedback.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Winter 1903

No retreats for anyone.  But Italy has a build, here is how things stack up after 1903.

Austria controls 6 centers and does not need to build or disband.
England controls 5 centers and does not need to build or disband.
France controls 5 centers and does not need to build or disband.
Germany controls 5 centers and does not need to build or disband.
Italy controls 6 centers and may build 1 unit.
Russia controls 6 centers and does not need to build or disband.
Turkey controls 1 center and does not need to build or disband.

Italy please submit asap, due Friday by midnight, but the sooner the better.

Results Fall 1903

The moves...
The results...

Orders Given

A bud -> gal [Bounced with ukr (1 against 1)]
F bul/sc -> con [Bounced with smy (1 against 1)]
A gal -> boh
A rum Supports A bud -> gal [Support cut by Move from Sevastopol]
A ser Supports A rum
A vie Supports A gal -> boh
A bel Holds
F bre -> mao
F iri Supports F bre -> mao
F nth -> eng
A swe Holds
A bur -> gas
A mar Holds
F mao -> por
A par Supports A pic -> bre
A pic -> bre
A boh -> tyr
A mun Supports A boh -> tyr
A ruh Supports A bel
A sil Supports A ukr -> gal
F ska Holds
F aeg Convoys A gre -> smy
F eas Supports A gre -> smy
A gre -> smy
F ion Convoys A tun -> gre
A tun -> gre

F ank Supports F smy -> con
A nwy Holds
A sev -> rum [Bounced with rum (1 against 2).]
F stp/nc Supports A nwy
A ukr -> gal
A war Supports A ukr -> gal
F smy -> con

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fall 1903

We wait on Austria-Hungary.  He asked for an extension, and so we will wait.  If his moves are in by this afternoon, say 3ish, I'll try to have things posted before 4pm, so we can all concentrate on more important things this evening, like drinking lots of beer at Super Bowl parties.