Thursday, May 29, 2008

Retreats Fall 1913

ITALY retreats Vienna -> Galicia.

TURKEY retreats Warsaw -> Moscow, and (by default) Naples -> Apulia.

Winter adjustments are due midnight tonight.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Results Fall 1913 - CORRECTION BELOW

CORRECTION:  Italy also controls Munich, thus does not need to destroy a unit this year.   My apologies.

Sorry for the delay, everyone. I was without my laptop the whole weekend and had limited internet access. Retreats will be due midnight Wednesday. Winter adjustments will be due midnight Thursday. Spring 1914 moves will be due midnight Saturday. Of course, sending information earlier would greatly speed things up, which I'm sure would be much appreciated by everyone at this late stage of the game.


Silesia -> Warsaw
Warsaw S Silesia -> Warsaw

MAO S Spain -> Portugal
Brest -> Gascony
Picardy -> Paris
English Channel Holds
Belgium -> Burgandy
York -> Norway
North Sea C York -> Norway
Munich -> Tyrolia
Berlin Holds
Baltic Sea Holds
Finland -> St. Petersburg
Norway -> Barents Sea

Civil Disorder, all units hold
Portugal dislodged, forced to retreat off board

Spain -> Portugal
Burgandy -> Munich
Marseilles -> Gulf of Lyon
Venice -> Rome (bounce)
Ionian Sea -> Naples
Tyrrhenian Sea S Ionian Sea -> Naples
Vienna -> Trieste (unit dislodged, must retreat or disband)
Albania S Vienna -> Trieste (support cut)

Budapest -> Vienna
Trieste S Budapest -> Vienna
Naples -> Rome (unit dislodged, must retreat or disband)
Eastern Med. -> Ionian Sea
Greece S Eastern Med. -> Ionian Sea
Aegean Sea S Eastern Med. -> Ionian Sea
Serbia -> Albania (bounce)
Bulgaria -> Romania
Constantinople -> Bulgaria
Warsaw Holds (unit dislodged, must retreat or disband)


ITALY must either retreat Vienna to Bohemia or Galicia, or disband the unit.

TURKEY must either retreat Warsaw to Moscow, Prussia, Galicia or Ukraine, or disband the unit. Turkey must either retreat Naples to Apulia, or disband the unit.


AUSTRIA controls the following supply centers: Warsaw (1 total). Austria must destroy 1 unit.

ENGLAND controls the following supply centers: Liverpool, London, Edinburgh, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Kiel, Sweden, St. Petersburg, Brest, Berlin, Norway, Paris (13 total). England may build 1 unit.

FRANCE does not control any supply centers. France must destroy his last remaining unit.

ITALY controls the following supply centers: Rome, Naples, Venice, Marseilles, Spain, Tunis, Portugal, Munich (8 total). Italy neither builds nor destroys units.

TURKEY controls the following supply centers: Constantinople, Ankara, Smyrna, Bulgaria, Romania, Sevastopol, Serbia, Budapest, Vienna, Greece, Moscow, Trieste (12 total). Turkey may build 2 units.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Retreats Spring 1913

ITALY retreats Trieste -> Venice.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Upstart nations ...

... shouldn't get any bright ideas.

(Above: Protesters carrying a picture of their dear leader, the Dali Landrey)

Spring 1913 Results

I was going to hold off on processing until France submitted his move, but then I realized that, given Italy's and my moves, there was nothing France could possibly do.  I'm sure France will understand; this game has, after all, gone on long enough.  Italy's retreat will be due midnight Sunday.  Fall 1913 moves will be due midnight Friday.


Prussia -> Livonia
Munich -> Silesia

MAO S Brest
London -> Picardy
English Channel C London -> Picardy
Brest S London -> Picardy
Edinburgh -> Belgium
North Sea C Edinburgh -> Belgium
York Holds
Ruhr -> Munich
Kiel -> Berlin
Berlin -> Baltic Sea
Sweden -> Finland
Norway Holds

Either Portugal -> Spain (bounce)
Or Portugal Holds

Gascony -> Spain
Paris -> Burgandy
Marseilles S Gascony -> Spain
Bohemia -> Vienna
Trieste S Bohemia -> Vienna (support cut, unit dislodged, must retreat)
Albania -> Greece (bounce)
Tunisia -> Ionian
Tyrhennian Sea S Tunisia -> Ionian Sea

Constantinople -> Bulgaria
Aegean Sea -> Ionian Sea (bounce)
Ionian Sea -> Naples
Greece S Aegean Sea -> Ionian Sea (support cut)
Bulgaria -> Serbia
Ankara -> Constantinople
Smyrna -> Eastern Med.
Vienna -> Trieste
Budapest S Vienna -> Trieste
Moscow -> Warsaw


ITALY must retreat Trieste to either Tyrolia or Venice.

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Fate of the World

Alas, poor Turkish King, I believe lady luck, after loving you expectantly for several years, shall leave you suddenly. You, a self described Sideshow Bob, shall find Italy become a rake at your every turn. Whether it be in the Mediterranean, where your horrendous bottleneck of fleets chokes itself, or across the Austrian killing fields, where you foolishly should have taken Trieste when it was before you, you shall see Italy stand stalwartly in your way.

So, Turkey, my dear frenemy, I must throw the support of my pasta and woman loving army behind those who will help me drive the cheese-eating surrender monkeys into the ocean and ensure that a poor fool who caught the luckiest break in the game does not ride the luck to victory.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Winter Adjustments 1912

AUSTRIA destroys A-Livonia and F-Western Med.

ENGLAND builds A-Edinburgh and A-London

GERMANY destroys A-Finland

TURKEY builds A-Constantinople, A-Ankara, and F-Smyrna

Spring 1913 moves will be due midnight Friday.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Fall 1912 Retreats

FRANCE retreats Tunisia off the board.

ITALY retreats Greece -> Albania and Vienna -> Trieste.

Winter adjustments are due midnight tonight.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

It's German for The Craig, The

And, as we all know, anybody who speaks German can't be all bad.


Since I am making an increasingly rapid exit...I will leave you with my end game awards
Most Gullible - This award goes to the person duped the most some point, it had to be a willful decision to trust folks...oh well, lesson learned. -> Damian congradulations
Least Trustworthy - This is given to the person who has betrayed more people, more often, and more maliciously than anyone else -> I give this award, sadly, to myself
Most Trustworthy - awarded to the person who has betrayed people the least, been the most dependable ally over long periods of time (typically this is not someone who is WINNING the game...fitting really) -> Larry, you could have quit, you could have lied, but in the face of overwhelming odds you not only stayed alive, but conducted yourself quite honorably..much more honorably than everyone else. Larry, thanks for sticking with it, have fun in college.
Greatest comeback fostered through the complacency, malaise and stupidity of others. (self-explanatory) -> Owen...nice job jackass.
Most consistent and skilled schemer - for playing me and everyone else since the beginning of the game nearly every turn, feeding my moves to everyone well as all of everybody elses moves to himself. Bill.
Most suicidal - Tony...nuf said
Survivor award - if only you weren't would have one, Craig

Fall 1912 Results

Retreats will be due midnight Sunday.  Winter adjustments will be due midnight Monday.  Moves for Spring 1913 will be due midnight next Friday.  Send everything to me at


Moscow -> Livonia
Warsaw -> Prussia
Munich -> Ruhr (bounce)
Western Med. S Marseilles -> Spain

MAO S Portugal -> Spain
English Channel S Brest
Brest Holds
Wales -> York
Belgium -> North Sea
Holland -> Ruhr
Kiel S Holland -> Ruhr
Berlin Holds
Finland -> Sweden
St. Petersburg -> Norway

Portugal -> Spain (bounce)
Tunis -> Tyrhennian Sea (unit dislodged, must retreat)

Norway -> Finland

Marseilles -> Spain (bounce)
Gascony -> Brest (bounce)
Paris S Gascony -> Brest
Ionian Sea -> Tunis
Tyrhennian Sea S Ionian Sea -> Tunis
Bohemia -> Munich (bounce)
Vienna Holds (unit dislodged, must retreat)
Greece Holds (unit dislodged, must retreat)

Galicia -> Vienna
Budapest S Galicia -> Vienna
Aegean Sea -> Greece
Bulgaria S Aegean Sea -> Greece
Eastern Med. -> Ionian Sea
Constantinople -> Aegean Sea
Sevastopol -> Moscow


FRANCE must disband Tunis or retreat to North Africa.

ITALY must disband Greece or retreat to Albania, and must disband Vienna or retreat to either Tyrolia or Trieste.


AUSTRIA controls the following supply centers: Munich, Warsaw (2 total).  Austria must destroy 2 units.

ENGLAND controls the following supply centers: Liverpool, London, Edinburgh, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Kiel, Sweden, St. Petersburg, Brest, Berlin, Norway (12 total).  England may build 2 units.

FRANCE controls the following supply centers: Portugal (1 total).  France must destroy 1 unit.

GERMANY does not control any supply centers.  Germany must destroy his last remaining unit.

ITALY controls the following supply centers: Rome, Naples, Venice, Marseilles, Paris, Spain, Trieste, Tunis (8 total).  Italy neither builds nor destroys units.

TURKEY controls the following supply centers: Constantinople, Ankara, Smyrna, Bulgaria, Romania, Sevastopol, Serbia, Budapest, Vienna, Greece, Moscow (11 total).  Turkey may build 3 units and has 1 build on hold for next year.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Spring 1912 Retreats

AUSTRIA retreats Berlin off the board.


Austria excercises her right to retreat her army off the board.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Spring 1912 Results

Austria's retreat will be due Sunday at midnight.  Moves for Fall 1912 will be due Friday at midnight.  If there are any mistakes on the map, please let me know.  Send everything to


Finland -> St. Petersburg (unit dislodged, destroyed)
Moscow S Finland -> St. Petersburg (support cut)
Warsaw Holds
Berlin -> Kiel (unit dislodged, must retreat)
Munich S Berlin -> Kiel
Tyrhennian Sea -> Western Med.

Brest -> MAO
London -> Brest
English Channel C London -> Brest
Liverpool -> Wales
North Sea -> Belgium
Holland S Kiel
Kiel S Baltic Sea -> Berlin
Baltic Sea -> Berlin
Sweden -> Finland
St. Petersburg Holds

Tunis Holds
Portugal -> Spain (bounce)

Norway S Sweden -> Finland

Spain -> Gascony
Marseilles -> Spain (bounce)
Naples -> Tyhrennian Sea
Ionian S Naples -> Tyhrennian Sea
Burgandy -> Paris
Greece Holds
Trieste -> Vienna
Tyrolia -> Bohemia

Romania -> Galicia
Serbia -> Budapest
Constantinople -> Bulgaria
Aegean Sea S Constantinople -> Bulgaria
Eastern Med. S Ionian
Black Sea -> Constantinople
Sevastopol -> Moscow (bounce)


AUSTRIA must retreat Berlin to either Prussia or Silesia.

Spring 1912 - Moves Needed

The following countries have yet to submit moves:  ITALY.

The deadline has passed.  Civil Disorder will be called at midnight Saturday.   (That's midnight EST, Frisco Kid.)