Wednesday, June 2, 2010

1908 Spring Moves

The Moves:
The Fleet in Adriatic Sea cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
Austria: F adr -> tri
Bounced with tyr (1 against 1).
Dislodged from ion (2 against 1).
Austria: A bul -> ser
France: F apu Supports F ion -> adr
France: A bur Holds
France: F eas -> aeg
Bounced with gre (1 against 1).
France: A edi Holds
France: F ion -> adr
France: F lon Holds
France: A mar -> pie
France: F mao -> wes
France: F nap Supports F tys -> ion
France: A pie -> ven
France: A tri -> alb
France: A tyr -> tri
Bounced with adr (1 against 1).
France: F tys -> ion
No order for unit at Munich. Hold order assigned.

Germany: A ber Supports A mun
Germany: A bud -> rum
Germany: F den -> nth
Germany: F hel -> hol
Germany: A kie -> ruh
Germany: A mun Holds
Germany: A pru -> war
Germany: A sev Supports A bud -> rum
Germany: A sil Supports A war -> gal
Germany: F stp/nc -> nwy
Germany: A ukr Supports A bud -> rum
Germany: A war -> gal
Civil Disorder

Russia: A gal Holds
Dislodged from war (2 against 1).
Turkey: F aeg -> smy
Turkey: F ank -> con
Turkey: F bla Supports A rum -> bul
Turkey: F gre -> aeg
Bounced with eas (1 against 1).
Turkey: A rum -> bul

1 comment:

The Queen and I said...

The map above looks way off, but that's just me