Saturday, December 22, 2007
Final Results - Spring 1905

Friday, December 21, 2007
A modest proposal

Quick Clarification
In other news, for those who didn't bother to read all of the Czar's diatribe, here's a highlight:
"Sorry about the treachery."
The Updated Map
This game is never going to end!

Thursday, December 20, 2007
A Declaration of Independance

An Interpretation of the results

Results Spring 1905 - Retreats Needed

Moves Listed Below:
Austria -
Budapest -> Rumania
Bulgaria S Budapest -> Rumania
Vienna -> Gallicia
Trieste -> Serbia
Tyrolia -> Bohemia
Turkey -
Constantinople -> Ankara
Smyrna S Constantinople -> Ankara
Italy -
Rome ->Tuscany
Venice -> Piedmont
Greece - AGN
Russia -
StPetersburg (nc) ->Norway (bounce)
Norway -> NS (bounce)
Sweden -> Skag (bounce cuts support)
Silesia ->Prussia (bounce)
Sevastapol ->Armenia
Rumania S Bulgaria (support cut)
BLK -> Constantinople
Ankara -> Smryna (bounce, unit dislodged and retreated off the board)
Germany -
Kiel -> Baltic Sea
Berlin -> Prussia (bounce)
France -
Marsailles ->Spain
GOL Holds (dislodged must retreat)
Paris -> Burgandy
Munich S Holland -> Kiel
Belgium -> Holland (bounce, unit dislodged and must retreat)
Brest -> MAO
ENG S Norway -> NS
England -
London -> Belgium
Holland S London -> Belgium
NS Convoys London -> Belgium
Skag S NS (support cut)
Den S NS
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The Most Wonderful time of the year
Monday, December 17, 2007
Current Information
Friday, December 14, 2007
Builds are in for the Fall....

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Retreats are in

Sunday, December 9, 2007
Austrian Interlopers
It had to come someday...
Pictured below:
The Frisco Kid, telling me he will support me in Bulgaria, but in reality he is breaking my heart...

This is Turkish D'Light, signing off.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Retreats Fall 1904

Results Fall 1904

Friday, November 30, 2007
An interpretation of the Results

Results - Spring 1904

Thursday, November 29, 2007
Since there has been limited activity of late...
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Current Information

Moves are Due for the upcoming Spring of 1904 by Thursday at 9pm on November 29th (Next Week)
Analysis: A WW I style deadlock is gripping the eastern front. Russian and Austrian Forces continue to grapple with the Turks and Italians with neither side making much headway. French Troops look to join the fray against the Italians. The English continue to make headway across the German coastline as the Russian, French, and English Triple Alliance attempts to complete it's goal of destroying Larry. To his credit, he has held you ALL at bay for the better part of 2 years. Despite having no allies and no help. I would contest that any other player put in his horrible position would have folded like a bad lawn chair by now. Fight on Larry, you may tip the balance of power one way or another, or, god help us, pull a Mullane and stay in the fight.
Listen to the advice in the picture, we all need to be more trusting. Let's take a chance and go for the gold.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Winter Adjustment Phase 1903 Completed

Monday, November 19, 2007
Submit Builds!

Results Fall 1903

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Waiting on Moves

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Friday, November 9, 2007
Results Spring 1903

Builds for Winter 1902

Russia Builds: Fleet Sevastapol, Army Moscow
Austria: Destroys Army budapest
England Builds: Fleet Edinborough
If everyone has submitted I will update late tonight when I get home.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Russian Builds
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Not only is it nutritious, it's fun to hunt too!

Now that's what I call a sticky situation

Results Fall - 1902

Saturday, November 3, 2007
Waiting on the World to Change
Friday, November 2, 2007
Email Sorted Out

Thursday, November 1, 2007
Isn't it always my fault
Lets go jackasses

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

In Western News The above man has joined the war against England on Germany's side. Bill Gerrard....you're fired
Move are due Thursday
Saturday, October 27, 2007
As for the slightly embarrassing picture I posted of High School Tom... well I just thought that was funny.
Low Blow
Implying that I would deliberately misrepresent official information for my own purposes is a low blow. I may be a liar, but I'm not a cheat.
Manipulating the truth as always...
It is obvious to me at this time, that Tom may have been making similar moves of dishonesty throughout the game, without us noticing, and the only way to truly ensure fair and even commentary and movements is to eradicate the Tominand blight from the game. Just call me the Black hand, and this is a slow, gradual assassination.
Pictured below:
Tom, not seeing it coming
Friday, October 26, 2007
A Conversation with Owen, Craig and Tony

Results Spring 1902

Moves for Fall of 1902 should be submitted by Thursday next week.
Actual Moves for countries:
Vienna ->Trieste
Serbia->Bulgaria (bounce)
Rumania S Serbia->Bulgaria (Support cut, unit dislodged)
Paris->Picardy (Bounce)
Burgandy->Paris (Bounce and unit dislodged)
Norway Holds
North Sea->Skag
Lon->North Sea
Belgium->Picardy (Bounce)
Munich S Ruhr->Burgandy
Ukraine ->Rumania
Sevastapol S Ukraine-> Rumania
(in the future, please note that moves do not need to be written in bold to emphasize that you are stabbing me, I figured it out all on my own, this goes for you as well turkey)
StPeters Holds
Sweden S North Sea->Skag (English fleet's move)
Ankara->Black Sea
Bulgaria S Ukraine->Rumania (Support is cut)
Constantinople->Aegean Sea
Tunis->Ionian Sea
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
No, you can't, I'm Mike Tyson

Friday, October 19, 2007

Sorry Tony. I'm glad I'm not near your house so you can't do me in a driveby. Rumania is mine, and the sunny shores of turkey will never no the tender caress of a Russian Fleet or army. Didn't my invention of the croussaint tip you off to my true allegiance? alas, it is with regret that I declare open war with you. Perhaps someday we can meet under more felicitious circumstances
(inset - Austrian envoys to Russia, clearly trecherous in nature)
P.S. - Happy Birthday to Bill Gerrard! October 17th! This makes Bill officially 21.
Results Fall 1901

Winter Phase - 1901
The Following Countries have Builds. You need to submit by email what you are building - army or navy and the supply center it is being built in, keep in mind only open supply centers will be available for builds.
Germany Controls: Denmark, Berlin, Munich, Kiel, Belgium
You have 2 builds to submit
England Controls: London, Liverpool, Edinborough, Norway
You have 1 build to submit
France Controls: Paris, Brest, Marsailles, Spain
You have 1 build to submit
Russia Controls: Moscow, St. Peters, Sweden, Warsaw, Sevastapol
You have 1 build to submit
Austria Controls: Trieste, Budapest, Vienna, Rumania, Serbia
You have 2 builds to submit
Italy controls: Venice, Rome, Naples, Tunis
You have one build to submit
Turkey Controls: Bulgaria, Constantinole, Ankara, Smyrna
You have 1 build to submit
Please submit all builds by Monday Night so I can update the board. Next move is on Thursday next week at 9pm.
Proving Everybody Right
Alas, I may have done so. The sons of Italy languish in an extended vacation, lounging by the Mediterranean, sipping mojitos, and ogling the foreign women. Perhaps Tom's words should be heeded. Perhaps their country will need them. Perhaps you all shall destroy the small slice of paradise I've made as benevolent dictator on my peninsular home.