All units marked with others over them need to post retreats. Except for Ankara...which is retreated off the board.
Moves Listed Below:
Austria -
Budapest -> Rumania
Bulgaria S Budapest -> Rumania
Vienna -> Gallicia
Trieste -> Serbia
Tyrolia -> Bohemia
Turkey -
Constantinople -> Ankara
Smyrna S Constantinople -> Ankara
Italy -
Rome ->Tuscany
Venice -> Piedmont
Greece - AGN
Russia -
StPetersburg (nc) ->Norway (bounce)
Norway -> NS (bounce)
Sweden -> Skag (bounce cuts support)
Silesia ->Prussia (bounce)
Sevastapol ->Armenia
Rumania S Bulgaria (support cut)
BLK -> Constantinople
Ankara -> Smryna (bounce, unit dislodged and retreated off the board)
Germany -
Kiel -> Baltic Sea
Berlin -> Prussia (bounce)
France -
Marsailles ->Spain
GOL Holds (dislodged must retreat)
Paris -> Burgandy
Munich S Holland -> Kiel
Belgium -> Holland (bounce, unit dislodged and must retreat)
Brest -> MAO
ENG S Norway -> NS
England -
London -> Belgium
Holland S London -> Belgium
NS Convoys London -> Belgium
Skag S NS (support cut)
Den S NS
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