Please stand by for a message from Russia's Supreme General, the always honorable Mike Tyson.
But first, I am going to make a statement. I'd like to share some exerts from my will, which will probably be read in the next few weeks. Or at least I hope so. I leave to my dear friends in the north, England, a steaming pile of dog shit, because you will gain nothing from me. To Germany, I leave the keys to the Russian Castle. I know that the only thing that would completely piss Tom off would be letting Larry back into the game when he was on the brink of extermination. To France, I leave you a promise that I will conduct a sit down between you and Italy so you could be at peace, and continue fighting your respective foes. To Italy, I'd like to give you some advice, you trusted Tom before, and see where it got you. Trust him now, and see where it gets you. Also, I'd like to discuss your relations with France. Oh, and one more thing, what the fuck are you doing with the fleet in the Aegean? What a waste of a unit. It might as well be an Austrian fleet. I'm putting up an updated map after I'm done with this, special for you Criag. To Turkey I leave Stevastopol and the Black Sea. Tom wants you dead. Now I want you alive. If anything, just to eat him up inside. Sorry about the treachery. And lastly, to the Archduke. What can I say that no one else has said to you? May Larry inherit the world. You'll get no more than Rumania. I'm going to let every other country into my boarders (besides England, they can eat shit), let them run through the Russian interior like cancer. Then, I'll laugh when Italy marches into Trieste this turn. that is all I'll share now.
All the unpleasantness aside, have a nice Christmas and New Years everyone.
And now, Iron Mike.
"I just want to conquer people and their souls."
Thanks Mike.
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