For those still staring at the computer dumbstruck, here is an excerpt from the email I sent to Italy and England.
" Call to Arms,For too long, the nations of the west and east have oppressed the nations of the not so west and not so east. This must be halted at all costs. The Austrian Government proposes a Grand Allaince to stave off this impending threat to our national soverignity. I propose that the nations of Italy, Austria, and England enter into an elaborate plan of coordinated destruction upon our nefarious enemies the Russians and the French. Everyone in this game has been wronged. Some more then others. It is time to ignore the petty strife of our times and come together to fight for a common cause. Life, Liberty, Supply Centers and the destruction of Damian's inept nation. I also have no desire to see another Tony Martin Email that makes no sense. (you can trust me until you can't....and then I am untrustable, unless you have a better offer? which I will not listen to anyway. Please submit your offer. I will not not not read it.)
We the People of these united nations, outnumbered, besieged and alone have joined together in the spirit of fraternity and vengeance. We formally declare war on the Russian and French Empires.
We propose the following surrender terms to our adversaries:
- The withdrawl of all Russian units from Scadanavian supply centers to be occupied by the English and Germans
-The acceptance of English "Peacekeepers" in Brest and Paris
-Italian Colonial administration of the Iberian Penninsula as well as the internationalizing of the port of Marsailles (the following countries will be permitted: Italy.)
-An Austrian military government will rule the Kremlin (Moscow, Warsaw and Sevastapol
-All units will withdraw from Turkish Supply centers and issue a formal apology for a horrible photoshop job on Owen's picture.
-You will allow the Archduke to have one night with the Russian crown princess. A movie and popcorn followed by a light dinner. TO BE PAID FOR BY THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT.
-The French will Burn all artwork created during the post-impressionist period and allow hoboes to sleep in the Louvre.
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