Italy -
Apullia -> adriatic sea
Ionian ->Albania
Venice -> Trieste (bounce)
Tyrolia Supports Venice to Trieste
Denmark to Baltic Sea
North Sea to Denmark
Edinborough to North Sea (Bounce)
Norway supports Edinborough to North Sea
London Holds
Vienna Supports Trieste
Treiste Supports Serbia (cut)
Albania to Greece
Serbia Supports Albania to Greece
Kiel to Denmark (bounce)
Beligium to North Sea (bounce)
Holland Supports Belgium to North Sea
Picardy to Burgandy
Munich Supports Picardy to Burgandy
Spain to Portugal
Burgandy Holds (dislodged - must retreat)
Paris Holds
English Channel to Brest
Warsaw - Silesia
Moscow - Ukraine
Sevastapol Supports Rumania to Black Sea
Bulgaria Supports ALbania to Greece (cut -dislodged retreats to Rumania)
Sweden supports North Sea to Denmark
Stpetersburg holds
Greece supports Ionian to Albania (cut - dislodged - exterminated)
Aegean supports Constantinople to Bulgaria
Black Sea supports Constantinople to Bulgaria (cut - dislodged, unit must decide where to retreat)
Constantinople to Bulgaria
Retreats options are marked in red, please let me know where you decide to go befoer sunday night so I can try and update the map.
Happy hunting, moves due Thursday next week
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