There's so many bounces in the south it feels like a trampoline.
Vienna Supports Trieste -> Tyrolia
Trieste ->Tyrolia (Bounce)
Budapest ->Trieste (Bounce)
Serbia -> Albania (Bounce)
Tyrolia Supports Munich (Cut)
Venice Supports Tyrolia
Rome -> Tyr Sea
Ionian -> Tunis
Greece -> Albania (bounce)
Smyrna -> Greece (Bounce)
Aegean convoys Smyrna to Greece
Bulgaria ->Serbia (bounce)
Ankara Holds
Armenia ->Constantinople
Black Sea convoys Armenia to constantinople
Rumania ->Bulgaria (bounce)
StPetersburg holds
Sweden Holds
Silesia -> Berlin (bounce)
Brest -> English Channel
Paris -> Picardy
Burgandy -> Munich (bounce)
Marsailles -> Gulf of Lyon
Portugal - > Spain
Edinborough -> Holland (bounce)
North Sea Convoys Edinborough -> Holland
Denmark -> Helgoland Bight (bounce)
Norway Supports North Sea
London Holds
Kiel Supports Edinborough -> Holland (cut)
Belgium -> Holland (bounce)
Helgoland Bight-> Kiel (bounce - cuts support)
Berlin supports Helgoland bight to Kiel (cut)
Munich Holds
Any Questions, Comments of Concerns, please let me know.
No reteats or builds
Moves for the Fall of 1904 are due next Thursday by 9pm.
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