Current Information: (As of November 22nd, 2:30am)
Moves are Due for the upcoming Spring of 1904 by Thursday at 9pm on November 29th (Next Week)
Moves are Due for the upcoming Spring of 1904 by Thursday at 9pm on November 29th (Next Week)
The Following countries have not yet submitted moves:
Italy, Germany, Austria, France, Russia, Turkey, England
Analysis: A WW I style deadlock is gripping the eastern front. Russian and Austrian Forces continue to grapple with the Turks and Italians with neither side making much headway. French Troops look to join the fray against the Italians. The English continue to make headway across the German coastline as the Russian, French, and English Triple Alliance attempts to complete it's goal of destroying Larry. To his credit, he has held you ALL at bay for the better part of 2 years. Despite having no allies and no help. I would contest that any other player put in his horrible position would have folded like a bad lawn chair by now. Fight on Larry, you may tip the balance of power one way or another, or, god help us, pull a Mullane and stay in the fight.
Listen to the advice in the picture, we all need to be more trusting. Let's take a chance and go for the gold.
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