The sharks smell blood in the water. (looks down) I appear to be bleeding profusely...into the water at my feet. Well no matter, things appear to be looking up for Austria. My simultaneous wars with Italy, Austria, Turkey and soon France, Germany and England, appear to be going well. (He puts a tin pot on his head and hides behind a sandbag barricade) If only Hitler's alpine retreat were available....but the Italians are in Tyrolia.
As of October 30th (Tuesday) this is the most current information available to me.
In Western News The above man has joined the war against England on Germany's side. Bill Gerrard....you're fired
Move are due Thursday
The following Countries have yet to submit moves for Spring 1902
Italy, Austria, England, Russia, Germany, France, Turkey
(As countries submit moves to my email address they will be slowly
removed from the above list)
Should all countries get their moves in early, I will make an attempt to process them early and post the results.
It has also occured to me that I need to make sure I am kept honest, so I will be emailing my moves to someone new each week (trusting you not to open them until they are processed) This way you will have a way of confirming that I didn't change them to adapt to someone else's - This weeks recipient will be Craig Rubens
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