In Western News The above man has joined the war against England on Germany's side. Bill Gerrard....you're fired
Move are due Thursday
Stabbing you in the back since 2007
Moves for Fall of 1902 should be submitted by Thursday next week.
Actual Moves for countries:
Vienna ->Trieste
Serbia->Bulgaria (bounce)
Rumania S Serbia->Bulgaria (Support cut, unit dislodged)
Paris->Picardy (Bounce)
Burgandy->Paris (Bounce and unit dislodged)
Norway Holds
North Sea->Skag
Lon->North Sea
Belgium->Picardy (Bounce)
Munich S Ruhr->Burgandy
Ukraine ->Rumania
Sevastapol S Ukraine-> Rumania
(in the future, please note that moves do not need to be written in bold to emphasize that you are stabbing me, I figured it out all on my own, this goes for you as well turkey)
StPeters Holds
Sweden S North Sea->Skag (English fleet's move)
Ankara->Black Sea
Bulgaria S Ukraine->Rumania (Support is cut)
Constantinople->Aegean Sea
Tunis->Ionian Sea
Sorry Tony. I'm glad I'm not near your house so you can't do me in a driveby. Rumania is mine, and the sunny shores of turkey will never no the tender caress of a Russian Fleet or army. Didn't my invention of the croussaint tip you off to my true allegiance? alas, it is with regret that I declare open war with you. Perhaps someday we can meet under more felicitious circumstances
(inset - Austrian envoys to Russia, clearly trecherous in nature)
P.S. - Happy Birthday to Bill Gerrard! October 17th! This makes Bill officially 21.
The Current Deadline for submitting Spring 1901
Move Orders is: Thursday October 11th
The Proper Format for submitting orders is this:
Type your name and country assignment, as well as the year and season.
When writing move orders for units you should format them like the ones below (or make sure I can make sense of them)
A-Marsailles -> Burgandy
Support (defensive)
A-Marsailles S A-Burgandy
Support (offensive)
A-Marsailles S A-Gascony ->Burgandy
Convoy (Write out the move as if it were normal and make sure you account for all elements of the convoy)
A-Marsailles -> Rome
F-Gulf of Lyon -C- Marsailles -> Rome
F-Tyrhennian Sea -C- Marsailles ->Rome
If you abbreviate and I can still read them they are acceptable, if they either don't make sense or are vague, they will be disregarded and units will hold.
In the event of two moves being written for a unit, the first will be followed
Should no moves be written for a unit, it will Hold.
All moves should be emailed to my TMullane@superteacher.us account with the headline
CONFIDENTIAL - (Country name here) (year and season here)
ex: CONFIDENTIAL - Russia - 1901Spring
If you want, and you have the option, you can send it with a "read reciept request" this tells you if I opened it early. If I see it arrive in my mailbox I won't touch it. Also be aware that once I get moves I will know you've submitted so wait until you're SURE you're done negotiating.
If I get all moves before a deadline I will possibly process the move early.
If you change your mind you will need to send a new list of moves for the turn like so
CONFIDENTIAL - Russia - 1901Spring (Revisions enclosed)
Any questions, contact me.
Happy Hunting. Moves processed on 7pm the 11th of october.