England has captured 18 supply centers. The game is over. However, this round's results require some explanation. Owen is no doubt scratching his head right now, wondering how he got pushed out of the Ionian Sea, given that he supported that unit's hold with two other units. I'll quote two complementary rules from the
official Diplomacy rule book: 1. "A unit not ordered to move can be supported by a support order that mentions only its province." 2. "A unit
ordered to move [Ionian Sea] can be supported by a support order that
matches the move the unit is trying to make." In other words, a unit in motion cannot be supported by a "support hold" order, even if that unit bounces back to its original position. Ionian Sea was a unit in motion, thus its hold could not be supported. I seem to remember someone making this mistake before, but since it didn't affect the outcome in that instance, I didn't take the opportunity to clarify the rules at the time. My apologies.
Civil Disorder, all units hold and await the arrival of their new benevolent rulers
Moscow Holds
St. Petersburg S Moscow
Barents Sea S St. Petersburg
North Sea -> Norwegian Sea
Kiel -> Baltic Sea
Holland -> Kiel
Berlin -> Prussia
Munich Holds
English Channel -> North Sea
Spain -> Portugal
Gascony -> Spain
Marseilles S Gascony -> Spain
MAO C Portugal -> North Africa
Portugal -> North Africa
Galicia -> Vienna (bounce)
Bohemia S Galicia -> Vienna
Naples Holds
Rome S Naples (support cut)
Western Med. -> Tunis
Albania -> Ionian
Tyrrhenian Sea S Albania -> Ionian
Venice -> Rome (bounce)
Apulia S Venice -> Rome (illegal move, Apulia does not share a coastline with Rome)
Ionian Sea -> Naples
Greece -> Albania
Aegean Sea S Ionian Sea
Eastern Med. S Ionian Sea
Trieste -> Venice (bounce)
Serbia -> Trieste (bounce)
Bulgaria -> Romania
Sevastopol S Bulgaria -> Romania
Budapest S Vienna
Vienna Holds
AUSTRIA controls the following supply centers: Warsaw (1 total).
ENGLAND controls the following supply centers: Liverpool, London, Edinburgh, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Kiel, Sweden, St. Petersburg, Brest, Berlin, Norway, Paris, Moscow, Munich, Marseilles, Spain, Portugal (18 total).
ITALY controls the following supply centers: Rome, Naples, Tunis (3 total).
TURKEY controls the following supply centers: Constantinople, Ankara, Smyrna, Bulgaria, Romania, Sevastopol, Serbia, Budapest, Vienna, Greece, Moscow, Trieste (12 total).