Seriously, that is the kind of photo that pops up in a horror film, and when the main character looks closer he sees a little boy in a sailor suit peering out the attic window and gee he looks just like the boy who used to live there but he was drowned by his mother 30 years ago so it couldn't be him in the attic it just couldn't be that's impossible and HOLY SHIT DID THAT PUMPKIN MAN'S HEAD JUST MOVE???
Also, it probably doesn't help that Mr. Mullane looks like he just escaped from 40 years of solitary confinement in a mental asylum and is imagining what the photographer's head would look like in a blender.

Above: An image that is not nearly as disturbing as the picture of Tom and his father at the pumpkin village.
P.S. If anyone is willing to join a second board featuring old rivals Tony Martin and Bill Gerrard, let Tom know so we can set it up.
By the way, even though I'm not in the new draw, Matt and Leo shouldn't feel that they've been spared a humiliating photoshop experience. I'll be watching ...
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