I would like to propose a new rule to take effect at the beginning of the next game:
Any player that goes into civil disorder during a game is ruled ineligible to participate in the next game.
Sometimes this game involves rolling Italy or Austria-Hungary and being completely mauled in a three way tag team like a Lindsey Lohan blow up doll at a frat party. Other times one makes it deep into the game before a once ally becomes a new worst enemy.
However, down is not out: players' actions have an impact on the remaining players in the game. Furthermore, one never knows when opportunity will knock and two centers can become three or four.
I propose we put this rule to a vote now and put it into effect at the beginning of the next game.
CLARIFICATION: I DO NOT think that it's a good idea for this to affect people who were in Civil Disorder during this game. I also was not targeting this at any specific person; Civil Disorder and late move sumissions have become all to common across multiple games. I myself am guilty of the latter so I don't mean this as an insult or anything like that.
I think we should institute this rule now and it should take effect in the next game. That is to say: if you go into civil disorder during the next game, you will be ineligable to play in the following game.
I would be fine with a 2 or 3 three strike option if that's what people want (perhaps those could be options in the vote?). More importantly, I think this is fine if warning is given (i.e. I am out of town for a family emergency, my cat pissed on my keyboard, a dog is eating my gangrenous leg) but I'm just getting tired of people not turning in moves for a week without notice and I think there should be as systemitized punishment to ensure that the people who play are actually going to put in the effort to finish the game.