Monday, April 28, 2008

Come and get it, big boy ...

After looking at this picture, I decided to start a petition to force Tom to grow a chin curtain. Who's with me?

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Winter Adjustments 1911

AUSTRIA destroys A-Vienna, A-Budapest, and A-Ukraine.

ENGLAND builds A-London and A-Liverpool.

TURKEY builds A-Constantinople.

Again, moves will due this Friday to me at, but everyone is welcome to submit early to speed things up a bit.

Saturday, April 26, 2008's fantastic

"From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee, had his chest been a cannon he would have shot his heart upon it." - Moby Dick

I'll write my epitaph here. It won't be long now...oh no....and I sense no starry eyed re-birth, like that enjoyed by my turkish adversary. I underestimated my opponents at the brink of victory and paid a high price for my stupidity. I will die, hopeful that the strife of our times will continue into the summer.

Unless....of course you declare a 3 way tie in the spirit of brotherhood...but that, of course, would not be keeping with the spirit of the game. no, not in the least.

I'd like to say I played a good game, but it just isn't true, and as Eisenhauer said. In war, there is no second place.

Good luck to the remaining players. I will continue to write moves for my units, which may or may not be predecated on anything resembling sense.

Austria destroys - Army Vienna, Army Budapest, Army Ukraine

Friday, April 25, 2008

The saga continues ...

ABOVE: Tom (center) is giving in to hate. Craig (right), pulling the strings as usual, can't resist laughing at the expression on Tom's face.

ABOVE: Though they hail from opposite corners of the map, Owen (left) and Bill (right) are BFFs.

ABOVE: Larry, the indispensable ally, wants a cookie.

ABOVE: Having found sanctuary in the middle of the desert, Damian takes a breather and wistfully recalls his childhood in provincial France.

ABOVE: Tony is dead. (Unlike Greedo, Tony DID fire first.)

Fall 1911 Results

No retreats this round, despite all the backstabbing.  Winter adjustments will be due midnight Saturday.  Spring 1912 moves will be due midnight next Friday, though if people send them earlier, I'll process earlier.


Ionian Sea -> Tyrhennian Sea
Trieste -> Vienna
Serbia -> Budapest
Galicia -> Warsaw
Sevastopol -> Ukraine
Finland -> St. Petersburg (bounce)
Moscow S Finland -> St. Petersburg
Berlin S Munich (support cut)
Munich S Berlin

St. Petersburg Holds
Denmark -> Sweden
Kiel -> Berlin (bounce)
Baltic Sea S Kiel -> Berlin
Holland -> Kiel (bounce)
MAO -> Brest
English Channel -> Belgium (bounce)
North Sea -> Holland (bounce)

Portugal -> Spain (bounce)
Tunis Holds

Norway S St. Petersburg

Spain Holds
Marseilles S Spain
Burgandy -> Belgium (bounce)
Venice -> Trieste
Tyrolia S Venice -> Trieste
Albania -> Ionian Sea
Greece Holds
No order issued to F-Naples, unit holds

Armenia -> Sevastopol
Black Sea S Armenia -> Sevastopol
Bulgaria -> Serbia
Romania S Bulgaria -> Serbia
Aegean Sea S Greece
Eastern Med. S Albania -> Ionian Sea


AUSTRIA controls the following supply centers: Vienna, Budapest, Warsaw, Moscow, Munich, Berlin (6 total).  Austria must destroy 3 units.

ENGLAND controls the following supply centers: Liverpool, London, Edinburgh, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Kiel, Sweden, St. Petersburg, Brest (10 total).  England may build 2 units.

FRANCE controls the following supply centers: Portugal, Tunisia (2 total).  France neither builds nor destroys units.

GERMANY controls the following supply centers: Norway (1 total).  Germany neither builds nor destroys units.

ITALY controls the following supply centers: Rome, Naples, Venice, Marseilles, Paris, Greece, Spain, Trieste (8 total).  Italy neither builds nor destroys units.

TURKEY controls the following supply centers: Constantinople, Ankara, Smyrna, Bulgaria, Romania, Sevastopol, Serbia (7 total).  Turkey may build 1 unit.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Spring 1911 - Corrected Map + Retreat

AUSTRIA retreated St. Petersburg -> Finland.  Also: I forgot to draw in Austria's fleet in the Ionian Sea.  My apologies.

Fall 1911 moves will be due Friday at midnight.  Send everything to me at


St. Petersburg Holds (unit dislodged, must retreat)
Moscow S Ukraine -> Sevastopol
Ukraine -> Sevastopol
Galicia -> Vienna (bounce)
Munich S Berlin -> Kiel
Berlin -> Kiel (bounce)
Serbia S Trieste
Trieste Holds
Ionian Sea -> Albania (bounce)

MAO S Gascony -> Spain
London -> English Channel
Edinburgh -> Denmark
North Sea C Edinburgh -> Denmark
Holland S Kiel
Kiel S Holland (support cut)
Sweden -> Baltic Sea
Barents Sea -> St. Petersburg

Spain -> Portugal
Western Med. -> Tunisia

Norway S Barents Sea -> St. Petersburg

Gascony -> Spain
Marseilles S Gascony -> Spain
Paris -> Burgundy
Tyrolia -> Vienna (bounce)
Venice -> Trieste (bounce)
Albania S Venice -> Trieste (support cut)
Apulia -> Naples
Greece -> Ionian Sea (bounce)

Constantinople -> Bulgaria
Aegean Sea S Constantinople -> Bulgaria
Sevastopol -> Romania
Black Sea S Sevastopol -> Romania
Ankara -> Armenia
Smyrna -> Eastern Med.


AUSTRIA must retreat St. Petersburg to either Finland or Livonia.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Winter Adjustments 1910

ENGLAND builds F-London

RUSSIA destroys F-Norwegian Sea

TURKEY builds A-Ankara

Spring 1911 moves are due this Friday at midnight.  Send them to me at

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The board is set... the pieces are moving

It is clear now that new alliances have been drawn, and once again, the game will reach a stand still until another person decides to make a treacherous move. The armies of the east, led by Bill "Mr. Photoshop" Gerrard with his puppet Larry, and his minion Craig will crash against the armies of the west, led Tom "Mastermind of Evil" Mullane, with his puppet Damian, and his new ally of chance, Owen. One can only guess who will turn on his ally first. Who will take the chance. Only one thing is clear, someone will be stabbed in the back, and I can only hope we will see another Caesar-like photoshop from Bill, regardless of what side of the stabbing he falls on.

Russia may be dead, but her legacy of betrayal shall live on...

And then there was one

And here I go again on my own going down the only road i've ever known like a drifter I was born to walk alone....I am so alone right now


Fall 1910 Results

There are no retreats this round.  Winter adjustments will be due Monday at midnight.  Moves for Spring 1911 will be due this Friday at midnight.  Send everything to me at    For fun, count how many different countries supported Germany's unit in Norway.


St. Petersburg S Norway (support cut)
Moscow S Ukraine -> Sevastopol
Serbia -> Bulgaria (bounce)
Warsaw -> Galicia
Prussia -> Berlin
Munich S Prussia -> Berlin (support cut)
Tyrolia -> Trieste
Adriatic -> Ionian
No order issued for Ukraine.  Unit holds.  [Tom, you're lucky it didn't matter.]

Edingburgh Holds
Sweden S Norway
York -> Holland
North Sea C York -> Holland
Kiel Munich (bounce)
English Channel -> MAO
Barents Sea -> St. Petersburg (bounce)

Spain Holds
Western Med. S Spain

Civil Disorder.  All units hold.

Gascony -> Spain (bounce)
Marseilles S Gascony -> Spain
Brest -> Paris
Piedmont -> Tyrolia
Venice S Piedmont -> Tyrolia
Ionian -> Apulia
Greece -> Albania
Aegean -> Greece

Norwegian Sea S Norway

Black Sea S Sevastopol
Sevastopol Holds
Bulgaria -> Aegean Sea
Smyrna S Bulgaria -> Aegean Sea
Constantinople -> Bulgaria (bounce)


AUSTRIA controls the following supply centers: Vienna, Budapest, Trieste, Serbia, Warsaw, Moscow, Munich, Berlin, St. Petersburg (9 total).  Austria neither builds nor destroys units.

ENGLAND controls the following supply centers: Liverpool, London, Edinburgh, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Kiel, Sweden (8 total).  England may build 1 unit.

FRANCE controls the following supply centers: Portugal, Spain (2 total).  France neither builds nor destroys units.

GERMANY controls the following supply centers: Norway (1 total).  Germany neither builds nor destroys units.

ITALY controls the following supply centers: Rome, Naples, Venice, Marseilles, Tunis, Brest, Paris, Greece (8 total).  Italy neither builds nor destroys units.

RUSSIA does not control any supply centers.  Russia must destroy his last remaining unit.

TURKEY controls the following supply centers: Constantinople, Ankara, Smyrna, Bulgaria, Romania, Sevastopol (6 total).  Turkey may build 1 unit.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Bush Administration Advisor selected to Austrian Cabinet

In what can only be described as welcome news by the Austrian people, the archduke has appointed longtime advisor to the Department of defense in the Bush administration, scarface, to the war cabinet of Austria. Regardless of what happens this turn, he will remain in charge of all military affairs. Please direct your suggestions or diplomatic requests to Mr. scarface.

Fall 1910 - Moves still needed

The following countries have yet to submit moves: GERMANY.

Any country that has not submitted moves by midnight Saturday will be in civil disorder for Fall 1910.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Spring 1910 Results

Once again, no retreats this round (except for my St. Petersburg unit, which I was forced to retreat to Barents Sea).  Moves for Fall 1910 will due this Friday at midnight to me at


Finland -> St. Petersburg
Moscow S Finland -> St. Petersburg
Ukraine -> Sevastopol (bounce)
Warsaw -> Ukraine (bounce)
Silesia -> Prussia
Berlin -> Munich
Tyrolia -> Venice (bounce)
Adriatic -> Apulia (bounce)
Albania -> Serbia

St. Petersburg holds (unit dislodged, retreats to Barents Sea)
Baltic -> Sweden
Denmark -> Kiel
London -> English Channel
North Sea S London -> English Channel
Liverpool -> Edinburgh
York S Liverpool -> Edinburgh

Spain holds
MAO -> Western Med.

Norway S Baltic -> Sweden

Paris -> Gascony
Brest S Paris -> Gascony
Marseilles -> Spain (bounce)
Piedmont S Venice
Ionian Sea -> Apulia (bounce)
Venice S Ionian Sea -> Apulia (support cut)
Aegean Sea -> Ionian (bounce)
Greece S Aegean -> Ionian

Edinburgh -> Norwegian Sea

Romania -> Sevastopol
Black Sea S Romania -> Sevastopol
Constantinople -> Bulgaria (bounce)
Bulgaria -> Aegean Sea (bounce)
Smyrna Holds

Spring 1910 - Moves still needed

The following countries have yet to submit moves:  AUSTRIA.

Since Tom's play was this weekend, and he came down with a cold, we're taking pity on him and giving him an extra 24 hours before holding his sorry ass in civil disorder.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Winter Adjustments 1909

AUSTRIA destroys A-Munich, A-Serbia, and F-Eastern Med.

ENGLAND builds A-Liverpool

FRANCE destroys F-English Channel

TURKEY builds A-Constantinople and F-Smyrna

Spring 1910 moves are due (to me, once again) at midnight Friday.

Winter adjustments still needed

The following countries have yet to send me their winter adjustments: AUSTRIA.