No retreats this round, despite all the backstabbing. Winter adjustments will be due midnight Saturday. Spring 1912 moves will be due midnight next Friday, though if people send them earlier, I'll process earlier.
Ionian Sea -> Tyrhennian Sea
Trieste -> Vienna
Serbia -> Budapest
Galicia -> Warsaw
Sevastopol -> Ukraine
Finland -> St. Petersburg (bounce)
Moscow S Finland -> St. Petersburg
Berlin S Munich (support cut)
Munich S Berlin
St. Petersburg Holds
Denmark -> Sweden
Kiel -> Berlin (bounce)
Baltic Sea S Kiel -> Berlin
Holland -> Kiel (bounce)
MAO -> Brest
English Channel -> Belgium (bounce)
North Sea -> Holland (bounce)
Portugal -> Spain (bounce)
Tunis Holds
Norway S St. Petersburg
Spain Holds
Marseilles S Spain
Burgandy -> Belgium (bounce)
Venice -> Trieste
Tyrolia S Venice -> Trieste
Albania -> Ionian Sea
Greece Holds
No order issued to F-Naples, unit holds
Armenia -> Sevastopol
Black Sea S Armenia -> Sevastopol
Bulgaria -> Serbia
Romania S Bulgaria -> Serbia
Aegean Sea S Greece
Eastern Med. S Albania -> Ionian Sea
AUSTRIA controls the following supply centers: Vienna, Budapest, Warsaw, Moscow, Munich, Berlin (6 total). Austria must destroy 3 units.
ENGLAND controls the following supply centers: Liverpool, London, Edinburgh, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Kiel, Sweden, St. Petersburg, Brest (10 total). England may build 2 units.
FRANCE controls the following supply centers: Portugal, Tunisia (2 total). France neither builds nor destroys units.
GERMANY controls the following supply centers: Norway (1 total). Germany neither builds nor destroys units.
ITALY controls the following supply centers: Rome, Naples, Venice, Marseilles, Paris, Greece, Spain, Trieste (8 total). Italy neither builds nor destroys units.
TURKEY controls the following supply centers: Constantinople, Ankara, Smyrna, Bulgaria, Romania, Sevastopol, Serbia (7 total). Turkey may build 1 unit.
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