AUSTRIA retreated St. Petersburg -> Finland. Also: I forgot to draw in Austria's fleet in the Ionian Sea. My apologies.
Fall 1911 moves will be due Friday at midnight. Send everything to me at william.gerrard@gmail.com.
St. Petersburg Holds (unit dislodged, must retreat)
Moscow S Ukraine -> Sevastopol
Ukraine -> Sevastopol
Galicia -> Vienna (bounce)
Munich S Berlin -> Kiel
Berlin -> Kiel (bounce)
Serbia S Trieste
Trieste Holds
Ionian Sea -> Albania (bounce)
MAO S Gascony -> Spain
London -> English Channel
Edinburgh -> Denmark
North Sea C Edinburgh -> Denmark
Holland S Kiel
Kiel S Holland (support cut)
Sweden -> Baltic Sea
Barents Sea -> St. Petersburg
Spain -> Portugal
Western Med. -> Tunisia
Norway S Barents Sea -> St. Petersburg
Gascony -> Spain
Marseilles S Gascony -> Spain
Paris -> Burgundy
Tyrolia -> Vienna (bounce)
Venice -> Trieste (bounce)
Albania S Venice -> Trieste (support cut)
Apulia -> Naples
Greece -> Ionian Sea (bounce)
Constantinople -> Bulgaria
Aegean Sea S Constantinople -> Bulgaria
Sevastopol -> Romania
Black Sea S Sevastopol -> Romania
Ankara -> Armenia
Smyrna -> Eastern Med.
AUSTRIA must retreat St. Petersburg to either Finland or Livonia.
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