Sunday, April 13, 2008

Fall 1910 Results

There are no retreats this round.  Winter adjustments will be due Monday at midnight.  Moves for Spring 1911 will be due this Friday at midnight.  Send everything to me at    For fun, count how many different countries supported Germany's unit in Norway.


St. Petersburg S Norway (support cut)
Moscow S Ukraine -> Sevastopol
Serbia -> Bulgaria (bounce)
Warsaw -> Galicia
Prussia -> Berlin
Munich S Prussia -> Berlin (support cut)
Tyrolia -> Trieste
Adriatic -> Ionian
No order issued for Ukraine.  Unit holds.  [Tom, you're lucky it didn't matter.]

Edingburgh Holds
Sweden S Norway
York -> Holland
North Sea C York -> Holland
Kiel Munich (bounce)
English Channel -> MAO
Barents Sea -> St. Petersburg (bounce)

Spain Holds
Western Med. S Spain

Civil Disorder.  All units hold.

Gascony -> Spain (bounce)
Marseilles S Gascony -> Spain
Brest -> Paris
Piedmont -> Tyrolia
Venice S Piedmont -> Tyrolia
Ionian -> Apulia
Greece -> Albania
Aegean -> Greece

Norwegian Sea S Norway

Black Sea S Sevastopol
Sevastopol Holds
Bulgaria -> Aegean Sea
Smyrna S Bulgaria -> Aegean Sea
Constantinople -> Bulgaria (bounce)


AUSTRIA controls the following supply centers: Vienna, Budapest, Trieste, Serbia, Warsaw, Moscow, Munich, Berlin, St. Petersburg (9 total).  Austria neither builds nor destroys units.

ENGLAND controls the following supply centers: Liverpool, London, Edinburgh, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Kiel, Sweden (8 total).  England may build 1 unit.

FRANCE controls the following supply centers: Portugal, Spain (2 total).  France neither builds nor destroys units.

GERMANY controls the following supply centers: Norway (1 total).  Germany neither builds nor destroys units.

ITALY controls the following supply centers: Rome, Naples, Venice, Marseilles, Tunis, Brest, Paris, Greece (8 total).  Italy neither builds nor destroys units.

RUSSIA does not control any supply centers.  Russia must destroy his last remaining unit.

TURKEY controls the following supply centers: Constantinople, Ankara, Smyrna, Bulgaria, Romania, Sevastopol (6 total).  Turkey may build 1 unit.

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