Friday, November 30, 2007

An interpretation of the Results

Istanbul....once it's Istanbul, not Constantinople, why did Constantinople get the works? That's no body's business but the Russians

In the east, the stalemate continues but not for long. With French Fleets crawling up Craig's backside and Austrian Units continuing their assault from the front, Craig's Christmas may be getting very warm indeed. Owen is far too trusting, and while I don't know how he was clever enough to get a picture of my first period class, I will be looking into it.

In the West, Larry shows us once again why he is the only person from Greeley who will ever recieve a college recommendation from me. Bouncing the English and holding off uncoordinated attacks by the Russians, French and Brits, he maintains control of all four of his supply centers. Bill Gerrard's Armies meanwhile made their trip across the Atlantic for nothing and went back to Scotland to eat blood sausage. Fight on Larry.

-Archduke and happy Russian puppet government Tominand

Results - Spring 1904

There's so many bounces in the south it feels like a trampoline.


Vienna Supports Trieste -> Tyrolia

Trieste ->Tyrolia (Bounce)

Budapest ->Trieste (Bounce)

Serbia -> Albania (Bounce)


Tyrolia Supports Munich (Cut)

Venice Supports Tyrolia

Rome -> Tyr Sea

Ionian -> Tunis

Greece -> Albania (bounce)


Smyrna -> Greece (Bounce)

Aegean convoys Smyrna to Greece

Bulgaria ->Serbia (bounce)

Ankara Holds


Armenia ->Constantinople

Black Sea convoys Armenia to constantinople

Rumania ->Bulgaria (bounce)

StPetersburg holds

Sweden Holds

Silesia -> Berlin (bounce)


Brest -> English Channel

Paris -> Picardy

Burgandy -> Munich (bounce)

Marsailles -> Gulf of Lyon

Portugal - > Spain


Edinborough -> Holland (bounce)

North Sea Convoys Edinborough -> Holland

Denmark -> Helgoland Bight (bounce)

Norway Supports North Sea

London Holds

Kiel Supports Edinborough -> Holland (cut)


Belgium -> Holland (bounce)

Helgoland Bight-> Kiel (bounce - cuts support)

Berlin supports Helgoland bight to Kiel (cut)

Munich Holds

Any Questions, Comments of Concerns, please let me know.

No reteats or builds

Moves for the Fall of 1904 are due next Thursday by 9pm.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Since there has been limited activity of late...

I will include a picture of Tom's students, blatantly not paying attention to him:

And with that I bid you happy hunting for the 1904 season.
A good vintage, it can be assured.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Current Information

Current Information: (As of November 22nd, 2:30am)

Moves are Due for the upcoming Spring of 1904 by Thursday at 9pm on November 29th (Next Week)

The Following countries have not yet submitted moves:

Italy, Germany, Austria, France, Russia, Turkey, England

Analysis: A WW I style deadlock is gripping the eastern front. Russian and Austrian Forces continue to grapple with the Turks and Italians with neither side making much headway. French Troops look to join the fray against the Italians. The English continue to make headway across the German coastline as the Russian, French, and English Triple Alliance attempts to complete it's goal of destroying Larry. To his credit, he has held you ALL at bay for the better part of 2 years. Despite having no allies and no help. I would contest that any other player put in his horrible position would have folded like a bad lawn chair by now. Fight on Larry, you may tip the balance of power one way or another, or, god help us, pull a Mullane and stay in the fight.

Listen to the advice in the picture, we all need to be more trusting. Let's take a chance and go for the gold.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Winter Adjustment Phase 1903 Completed

Builds so far

Germany - Destroys Army Picardy

Russia - Destroys Fleet Sevastapol

Austria - Builds Army Budapest

Italy - Builds Fleet Rome

Turkey - Builds Army Smryna

England - Builds Army Edinborough

France - Builds Fleet Marsailles
It is with deep apologies that I vow not to post these piecemeal again. The whole point of submitting builds in secret is so that those who wait till the end don't get to "react" to what others do. In my haste to post I jumped the gun. It won't happen again. In the future, no builds will be discussed by me until after all are submitted and all are posted simultaneously.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Submit Builds!

Pictured Left is the man who has been hunting Bill Gerrard for speeding for the majority of his adult life.
In the South - Coordinated Efforts by Turkey and Italy (shudder with disgust) have borne fruit for the elf in the form of a build and good position. While the three of us spar, Austrias Big Brother and source of it's puppet government being their invasion of Turkish soil. It looks to be a costly stalemate.
In the East Russian and English Units have siezed control of German ports. It doesn't look good for larry, and only a miracle could save him now.
In the West, France has finally pulled his act together and has taken control of the napping spainards. His next target? The Italian Menace? the Austrians will bake them as many crumpets as they can eat if French units manage to break through the Elf Front.
Builds Needed by Wednesday and then Moves will be due on the Thursday AFTER Thankgiving is over.

Austria Currently Controls: Vienna, Trieste, Budapest, Serbia and has 3 units

Austria Builds Army in Budapest

Italy controls: Venice, Rome, Naples, Tunis and Greece and has 4 units

Italy may build one unit

Turkey controls: Bulgaria, Constantinople, Ankara, Smyrna and has 3 units

Turkey may build one unit

Russia controls: Moscow, Rumania, Warsaw, Stpetersburg, Sweden and Sevastapol and has 7 units

Russia must DESTROY one unit

Germany controls: Berlin, Munich, Belgium, Holland and has 5 units

Germany must DESTROY one unit

France controls: Paris, Marsailles, Brest, Spain, Portugal and has 4 units

France may build one unit

England controls: London, Edinborough, Liverpool, Norway, Denmark, Kiel and has 5 units

England may build one unit

Results Fall 1903

Moves -

Italy -

Tyrolia Supports Venice (negated due to the unit moving)

Venice to Trieste (Bounce)

Adriatic to Ionian Sea

Albania to Greece

Austria -

Vienna Supports Trieste

Trieste Holds

Serbia Supports Trieste

Greece to Albania (Bounce, Dislodged, Retreats off board)

Turkey -

Aegean Supports Albania to Greece

Bulgaria Supports Albania to Greece (cut)

Ankara - Black Sea (bounce)

Russia -

St Petersburg Holds

Sweden Holds

Silesia to Berlin (bounce)

Rumania to Armenia

Black Sea Convoys Rumania to Armenia

Stevastapol Supports Rumania to Armenia

Ukraine to Rumania

Germany -

Belgium to English Channel (Bounce)

Holland to Helgoland Bight

Kiel to Berlin

Munich Supports Kiel to Berlin

Burgandy to Picardy

England -

Edinborough to North Sea

Norway Supports Edin to NS

Denmark supports Edin to NS

Baltic to Kiel

London Holds

France -

Portugal Holds

Brest to English Channel (Bounce)

Paris Supports Marsailles to Burgandy

Marsailles to Burgandy

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Waiting on Moves

The following countries have SUBMITTED MOVES

Germany, Austria, Russia, Turkey

The following countries have NOT YET SUBMITTED

Italy, England, France

I would like to post the results tommorow so please email them to my

Thanks, the management

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Retreats for 1903 (spring)

France Retreats to Marsailles
Turkey Retreats to ANkara
Russia Retreats to Rumania

Friday, November 9, 2007

Results Spring 1903

Italy -

Apullia -> adriatic sea

Ionian ->Albania

Venice -> Trieste (bounce)

Tyrolia Supports Venice to Trieste


Denmark to Baltic Sea

North Sea to Denmark

Edinborough to North Sea (Bounce)

Norway supports Edinborough to North Sea

London Holds


Vienna Supports Trieste

Treiste Supports Serbia (cut)

Albania to Greece

Serbia Supports Albania to Greece


Kiel to Denmark (bounce)

Beligium to North Sea (bounce)

Holland Supports Belgium to North Sea

Picardy to Burgandy

Munich Supports Picardy to Burgandy


Spain to Portugal

Burgandy Holds (dislodged - must retreat)

Paris Holds

English Channel to Brest


Warsaw - Silesia

Moscow - Ukraine

Sevastapol Supports Rumania to Black Sea

Bulgaria Supports ALbania to Greece (cut -dislodged retreats to Rumania)

Sweden supports North Sea to Denmark

Stpetersburg holds


Greece supports Ionian to Albania (cut - dislodged - exterminated)

Aegean supports Constantinople to Bulgaria

Black Sea supports Constantinople to Bulgaria (cut - dislodged, unit must decide where to retreat)

Constantinople to Bulgaria

Retreats options are marked in red, please let me know where you decide to go befoer sunday night so I can try and update the map.

Happy hunting, moves due Thursday next week

Builds for Winter 1902

I am about to go on, and realized I have not updated the map to reflect the builds. And bill is too busy posting pictures of himself with a litebright to let people know about them. Tony, I will be taking down my photo, as it is a little too embarassing. We both lost that bet, and no one wants to see your photos from the miss UNE pagent either

Russia Builds: Fleet Sevastapol, Army Moscow
Austria: Destroys Army budapest
England Builds: Fleet Edinborough

If everyone has submitted I will update late tonight when I get home.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Russian Builds

Since Tom is busy prancing about on stage in his "play", I thought I'd share my builds with everyone.

Fleet Stevastopol

Army Moscow

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Not only is it nutritious, it's fun to hunt too!

This past week just saw the end of another successful turkey hunt in the peaceful state of Maine. The wild turkey, while once on the endangered species list here, has returned to its plentiful numbers, allowing local rednecks and other gun enthusiast the right to hunt the beloved animal once again. I thought to myself, what better way to commemorate this grand occasion then by stabbing my neighbor, coincidentally named Turkey, in the back. Now all I have to do is collect my kill, and get it back to the misses to cook up in time for the holiday meal. I don't know what all of you are planning to eat this Thanksgiving, but I've got my heart set on a big bird named Owen.

Now that's what I call a sticky situation

Winter Adjustment Phase -

Germany has no builds

Italy has no builds

Turkey has not builds

France has no builds

England has 1 build

Russia has 2 builds

Austria must destroy one unit (Army Budapest)

Analysis - No headway has been made against the Germans, it appears a committed alliance will eventually crack him like an egg, but for the moment, Larry's skills are keeping the incompetent jackals that are England and France. The sleeping Giants that are England and France appear to be gaining steam. In the south, the futile assualts of the Italians are a tickle to the austrian front. However it appears a tentative alliance has been forged between the elf and the ruler of a secular Islamic state that currently houses the bulk of american airpower in Iraq. And the Russian has gained two supply centers both at the aid of his former ally and then again at his expense. I look for more Russian troops to march through Vienna and Constantinople soon.

Happy Hunting.

Builds are Due Tuesday

Moves are Due Friday this week.

PS this is the week of the play I am helping with, so please be patient with me posting any further after tonight, I may have to wait till Sunday.

Results Fall - 1902

Austria -

Gallicia - Vienna

Budapeset supports Trieste

Trieste Supports Gallicia - Vienna (cut)

Albania - Adriatic Sea (bounce)

Serbia Supports Rumania - Bulgaria

Italy -

Venice - Trieste (Bounce)

Tyrolia Supports Venice - Trieste

Apullia - Adriatic (bounce)

Ionian Supports Smyrna - Greece

(and craig negates his own existence with his futility)

Turkey -

Smyrna - Greece

Adriatic Convoys Smyrna to Greece

Black Sea Supports Rumania

Bulgaria Supports Smyrna - Greece (cut)

Russia -

Warsaw Holds

StP Holds

Rumania - Bulgaria

Sevastapol - Rumania

Sweden Supports Skag - Denmark

England -

London Holds

North Sea Holds

Norway Supports North Sea

Skag - Denmark

France -

Gascony - Spain

Marsailles - Burgandy

Paris - Picardy (bounce)

ENG holds

Germany -

Munich Holds

Kiel - Denmark (bounce)

Burgandy - Picardy

Belgium S Burgandy - Picardy

Holland - North Sea (bounce)

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Waiting on the World to Change

Only Germany Remains needing to submit moves. My email is up and running again, so I should be recieving everything normally right now. Here is a completely unbiased picture of Larry. If I don't recieve moves in some form by Sunday night at 7pm I will process without him.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Speaking of Embarassing Craig...

Pictured Below:

Craig at a gigolo job-training seminar entitled: "Specialty Acts"

Email Sorted Out

Nice Jacket Bill

Well apologies for the delay, Larry and Craig need to resubmit moves, or in craig's case, submit them late again for the first time. I was so hoping that Craig would be caught mastrubating in peanut butter, or whatever the hell it is he does while not taking the 10 minutes necessary a week to sort this out. As his inaction is my gain, alas, Craig, your delay will result in Bill mercilessly torturing you through photoshop. It's good that the only picture of me available was one from high school. Owen's is pretty good too.

I need moves from Italy and Germany emailed to my account, I have everyone elses and submitted my moves to Damian for reference.

Big talk from Bill Gerrard, ironic really when you bear so striking a resembalence to the american air forces next target, let's hope your drug running family can keep you hidden from the feds for long enough to let you finish this game.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Isn't it always my fault

unfortunatley something is actually wrong with my email. Which means my previous assessment of you clowns was wrong. Please resubmit all moves to my school address

Lets go jackasses

I check my mail at 7:48 to find that NOT one of you has yet submitted moves for this evening, I am going to close my eyes, grade some papers and hope against hope that they're in by 930, because if they're not I reserve the right to be the only one who moves. Booyah, happy halloween, you guys are hella stupid

-Archduke Lame Duc