Monday, February 22, 2010

One, two...

Above: Matt explains to Owen what will happen to him if he submits late for the third time.

Spring 1904

The Builds:The Map:
Moves for the Spring of 1904 are due at 11:59PM on Sunday, February 28th.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Winter 1904

England: F eng Disbands
Italy: A ven -> tus
Turkey: F bla -> con

The Map:
Builds are due tonight at 11:59PM.

Supply Centers:
Austria: Greece, Serbia (2 total).
England: Edinburgh, Liverpool, London (3 total).
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Spain (6 total).
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Venice (7 total).
Italy: Naples, Trieste, Tunis (3 total).
Russia: Budapest, Moscow, Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, St. Petersburg, Sweden, Vienna, Warsaw (9 total).
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna (4 total).

Builds & Disbands:
Austria: 2 supply centers, 2 units. No units to build or remove.
England: 3 supply centers, 2 units. 1 unit may be built.
France: 6 supply centers, 5 units. 1 unit may be built.
Germany: 7 supply centers, 7 units. No units to build or remove.
Italy: 3 supply centers, 4 units. 1 unit must be removed.
Russia: 9 supply centers, 8 units. 1 unit may be built.
Turkey: 4 supply centers, 4 units. No units to build or remove.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

1901 - 1903: An Illustrated History (National Geographic Edition)

France has wielded its naval power so well that it is well up inside the business of not one but two other players by the end of the third year.

From the very first year of the game, Austria-Hungry has seemingly done everything in its power to leap right into Russia's gaping maw.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

To all my friends...

...I couldn't have done it without my allies.

Fall 1903 Results

Things are heating up! Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey defended themselves skillfully, but the combined forces of France, Germany, and Russia seem to much for them to handle. Will a new alliance be formed to change the balance of power int he south, before they are destroyed?

Retreats are due Thursday at 11:59PM.

The English fleet in the English Channel must retreat to Wales, London, Picardy, or off the board.
The Italian army in Venezia must retreat to Tuscany, Piemonte, or off the board.
The Turkish fleet in the Black Sea must retreat to Constantinople, or off the board.

Fall 1903 Moves

Austria: F adr Supports A ser -> tri
Austria: A ser -> tri
Bounced with vie (2 against 1).
England: F edi -> nth
Bounced with hel (1 against 1).
England: F eng -> wal
Bounced with lvp (1 against 1).
Dislodged from iri (2 against 1).
England: F lvp -> wal
Bounced with eng (1 against 1).
France: A bre Holds
France: F iri -> eng
France: F mao Supports F iri -> eng
France: A rom Supports A apu -> ven
France: F wes -> tun
Bounced with tys (1 against 1).
Germany: A apu -> ven
Germany: F bal Supports A den -> swe
Germany: F bel Supports F hel -> nth
Germany: A den -> swe
Bounced with swe (2 against 2).
Germany: F hel -> nth
Germany: A mun -> tyr
Germany: A sil -> war
Bounced with lvn (1 against 1).
Italy: F ion -> gre
Bounced with bul (1 against 1).
Italy: A tri -> ser
Bounced with ser (1 against 1).
Italy: F tys -> tun
Bounced with wes (1 against 1).
Italy: A ven Holds
Dislodged from apu (2 against 1).
Russia: A arm -> smy
Bounced with aeg (1 against 1).
Russia: A bud Supports A vie -> tri
Russia: A lvn -> war
Bounced with sil (1 against 1).
Russia: F nwy Supports F swe
Russia: F rum Supports F sev -> bla
Russia: F sev -> bla
Russia: F swe Supports F nwy
Support cut by Move from Denmark.
Russia: A vie -> tri
Bounced with ser (2 against 1).
Turkey: F aeg -> smy
Bounced with arm (1 against 1).
Turkey: F ank Holds
Turkey: F bla -> bul/ec
Failed because Turkey: A bul -> gre failed.
Dislodged from sev (2 against 1).
Turkey: A bul -> gre
Bounced with ion (1 against 1).

Friday, February 12, 2010

Fall 1903

A Venezia retreats to Apulia
F Black Sea retreats to Stevastopol

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Spring 1903 Results

While England and France dance in the North and Russia tries to solidify its position in Scandinavia, all hell has broken loose in Southern Europe.

Can Italy and Austria-Hungary stave off destruction at the hands of France, Germany, and Russia? Can Turkey defend itself against its northern aggressor?

Retreats are due on Thursday at 11:59 PM.

Spring 1903 Moves

The Army in Budapest cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
Austria: F alb -> adr
Austria: A bud -> rum
Bounced with rum (1 against 1).
Dislodged from gal (2 against 1).
Austria: A gre -> ser
England: F eng Holds
England: F iri -> lvp
England: F nth -> edi
France: A bre Holds
France: F lyo -> wes
France: F mao Supports F nao -> iri
France: F nao -> iri
France: A tus -> rom
Germany: F bal Supports A den
Germany: A ber -> sil
Germany: A den Holds
Germany: F hol -> bel
Germany: F kie -> hel
Germany: A mun Supports A ber -> sil
Germany: A ven Supports A tus -> rom
Dislodged from rom (2 against 1).
Italy: F ion Holds
Italy: A rom -> ven
Italy: A tri Supports A rom -> ven
Italy: F tun -> tys
Russia: F bla -> bul/ec
Bounced with bul (1 against 1).
Dislodged from con (2 against 1).
Russia: A gal -> bud
Russia: F nwy Supports F swe
Russia: F rum Supports F bla -> bul
Support cut by Move from Budapest.
Russia: A sev -> arm
Russia: F swe Supports F nwy
Russia: A vie Supports A gal -> bud
Russia: A war -> lvn
Turkey: F aeg -> ion
Bounced with ion (1 against 1).
Turkey: F ank Supports F con -> bla
Turkey: A bul Supports A bud -> rum
Support cut by Move from Black Sea.
Turkey: F con -> bla

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Spring 1903

The Map:
Moves for the Spring of 1903 are due on Sunday night at 11:59 PM.

Winter 1903 Builds

Germany: Builds F kie
Germany: Builds A mun
Italy: Builds A rom
Russia: Builds A sev
Turkey: Builds F ank

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Owen strikes again

The above picture of Owen's intentions couldn't be clearer. and according to our pre-WWI map, Georgia is in fact part of the Ottoman Empire. It's amazing that not only did Owen not even pretend to do what he said, he added a heaping helping of betrayal as well. Silesia? really Owen. Did you honestly expect me to let you sit three units on my border and wait for you not to attack. As a teacher I know what evil truly is. and it's getting married this coming fall.

You lanky lanky beast


I submitted a support for Sweden from Denmark. I even sent ina revision to be sure. why is there a Russian unit sitting in Sweden? I thought Denmark was allowed to support Sweden?

Response from Moderator:
This support order failed, becauser the English unit in Sweden moved to Denmark.

From the Diplomacy rulebook: A unit not ordered to move can be supported by a support order that only mentions its province... A unit ordered to move can only be supported by a support order that matches the move the unit is trying to make.

I hope that answers your question.

Winter 1903 Results

The Map:
Mis-coordination between England and Germany, misplaced trust between Turkey and Russia... where do the real alliances lie? One thing is clear: Russia and France are taking advantage of the confusion... but can they fight on two fronts at once? Can either take control of the critical Mediterranean?

There are no retreats.

Builds will be due Wednesday night at 11:59PM.

Supply Center Ownership:

Austria: Budapest, Greece, Serbia (3 total).
England: Edinburgh, Liverpool, London (3 total).
France: Brest, Marseilles, Paris, Portugal, Spain (5 total).
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Venice (7 total).
Italy: Naples, Rome, Trieste, Tunis (4 total).
Russia: Moscow, Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, St. Petersburg, Sweden, Vienna, Warsaw (8 total).
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Smyrna (4 total).


Austria: 3 supply centers, 3 units. No units to build or remove.
England: 3 supply centers, 3 units. No units to build or remove.
France: 5 supply centers, 5 units. No units to build or remove.
Germany: 7 supply centers, 5 units. 2 units may be built.
Italy: 4 supply centers, 3 units. 1 unit may be built.
Russia: 8 supply centers, 7 units. 1 unit may be built.
Turkey: 4 supply centers, 3 units. 1 unit may be built.

Fall 1902 Moves

Austria: F alb Supports A ser -> gre
Austria: A bud Supports A tri
Support cut by Move from Galicia.
Austria: A ser -> gre
The Army in Sweden cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
England: F eng -> mao
Bounced with mao (2 against 2).
England: F iri Supports F eng -> mao
England: F lon -> nth
England: A swe -> den
Bounced with den (1 against 1).
Dislodged from fin (2 against 1).
France: A gas -> bre
France: F lyo Convoys A spa -> tus
France: F mao Supports F nao
Support cut by Move from English Channel.
France: F nao Supports F mao
France: A spa -> tus
Convoy path taken: spa→lyo→tus.
Germany: F bel -> hol
Germany: A ber -> sil
Bounced with war (1 against 1).
Germany: A den Supports A swe
Support failed. Move orders must be supported explicitly.
Germany: F kie -> bal
Germany: A ven Holds
Italy: F adr -> ion
Italy: A tri Supports A bud
Italy: F tys -> tun
Russia: F fin -> swe
Russia: A gal -> bud
Bounced with bud (2 against 2).
Russia: F nwy Supports F fin -> swe
Russia: F rum -> bul/ec
Bounced with bul (1 against 1).
Russia: F sev -> bla
Russia: A vie Supports A gal -> bud
Russia: A war -> sil
Bounced with ber (1 against 1).
The Army in Greece cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
Turkey: F aeg -> gre
Turkey: F bla -> con
Turkey: A bul Supports A gre -> ser
Support cut by Move from Rumania.
Turkey: A gre -> ser
Bounced with ser (1 against 1).
Dislodged from ser (2 against 1).