1907 has come to end with heated battles in the South contrasting against continued jockeying for postition in the North. The two alliances in the struggle now seem evenly matched, with the Anglo-Italian forces sharing 17 centers and the Russo-Turkish alliance doing the same. Can someone poke through in 1908? Or will a stalemate line solidify through central Europe?
Here are the moves:

Moves in the South were quite complicated, so it can be difficult to tell from the map what occurred. The basic jist is that the Italians used Piedmont to cut Albania's support into the Adriatic while simultaneously convoying Naples through the Ionion to Albania. With no place to retreat, the Albanian unit was disbanded.
And the results:

There are no retreats. The following builds will be due tomorrow (Tuesday, August 18th) at midnight:
England: 9 supply centers, 8 units. 1 unit may be built.
Italy: 8 supply centers, 9 units. 1 unit must be removed.
Russia: 8 supply centers, 8 units. No units to build or remove.
Turkey: 9 supply centers, 7 units. 2 units may be built.