Fall 1908 may be remembered as the turn in which England and Italy finally turned the tide on the Juggernaut, capturing centers and moving battle lines in both the Northern and Southern arenas. Italy's sly retaking of Venice in 1907 was successfully converted into the sacking of Trieste from the Turks, while England's Scandinavian accomplishments finally paid off with the captures of Russia's northern port. England and Italy may now be poised to wipe the Juggernaut off the map . . . if their alliance can hold. But perhaps an Eastern Diplomat with the right offer . . .
The moves:
The results:
The following retreats are due ASAP (no later than midnight Tuesday):
Russia: The Russian army in St. Petersburg must retreat to Moscow or off the map.
Turkey: The Turkish army in Trieste must retreat to Vienna, Serbia, or off the map.
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