Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I would agree to peace, on one condition.
Peace is reasonable. But the barbarians demand blood. Allow me to be bold and ask that we first eliminate France. If we split the centers, it can all be over very quickly. One to England, one to Italy. If we killed off one Landrey brother we should probably finish what we started and kill the other one too. What say you Italy, Austria, and England?
Barbarians of the North,
Sultan Mullane is long dead. The Czar's are beginning to rot and French ruler seems destined to follow. Perhaps enough blood has been shed and it's tmie to declare peace?
I see little room for victory for any of us but great oppurtunities may await to make fun of people in the next game.
Arch-Duke Barnard
Joshua de'Medici
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Winter 1907
Math Lessons
Who controls what
Since there is a bit of confusion over the builds and disbands I thought I would put an updated list of who controls what center.
France controls Portugal and Marseilles (2)
Germany controls Munich, Denmark, Paris and St. Petersburg (4)
Austria controls Trieste, Budapest, Vienna, Ankara, Romania, Serbia and Warsaw (7)
Italy controls Venice, Rome, Naples, Tunis, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Stevastopol, Greece and Smyrna (9)
England controls London, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Brest, Spain, Belgium, Holland, Kiel, Berlin, Moscow, Norway and Sweden (12)
France controls Portugal and Marseilles (2)
Germany controls Munich, Denmark, Paris and St. Petersburg (4)
Austria controls Trieste, Budapest, Vienna, Ankara, Romania, Serbia and Warsaw (7)
Italy controls Venice, Rome, Naples, Tunis, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Stevastopol, Greece and Smyrna (9)
England controls London, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Brest, Spain, Belgium, Holland, Kiel, Berlin, Moscow, Norway and Sweden (12)
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Fall 1907 Final

Results: Perhaps there is some error with Austria, the program I use says he can only build 1 unit even though he gained 2 since last year. If anyone has an idea of why that is, let me know, because all I do is use the program. Builds are due Sunday night.
Italy retreats to Stevastopol
Italy controls 8 centers, Italy must destroy 1 unit
Germany controls 4 centers, Germany must destroy 1 unit
France controls 2 centers, France neither builds nor destroys
England controls 12 centers, England may build 3 units
Austria controls 8 centers, Austria may build 1 unit
Fall 1907 Results

No order recieved all units hold
Spain retreated off the map
A warsaw s a galicia to silesia
F stevastopol to rumania
A tyrolia s a vienna to bohemia
A vienna to bohemia
A ukraine s a Warsaw
A budapest to galicia
Norwegian Sea to North Atlantic
St. Petersburg to Moscow
London convoy to Belgium
North Sea convoy London to Belgium
English Channel support Brest to Mid Atlantic
Brest to Mid Atlantic
Mid Atlantic to Spain nc with support of Gascony
Gascony support Mid Atlantic to Spain nc
Berlin hold
Piedmont -> Marsellies
Burgundy supports Piedmont ->Marsellies
Livonia supports St. Petersburg -> Moscow
Prussia -> Warsaw
Silesia supports Prussia -> Warsaw
Munich support Silesia
A Mos S War
A Gal -> Sil
A Ven -> Piedmont
A Tus S A Ven -> Pie
F Tyn -> WMS
F Ion -> Tyn
F Apu H
A Gal -> Sil
A Ven -> Piedmont
A Tus S A Ven -> Pie
F Tyn -> WMS
F Ion -> Tyn
F Apu H
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

There are no retreats this round so that means that moves for the Fall 1907 are due by Friday. My apologies to all about the earlier post, I tried to get it done at the last minute before work this morning and it was incomplete.
Piedmont -> Marsellies
Burgundy supports Piedmont -> Marsellies
St Petersburg -> Livonia
Bohemia -> Silesia
Prussia supports Bohemia - Silesia
Tyrolia -> Munich
A Galicia -> Warsaw
A Ukraine S A Galicia -> Warsaw
A Trieste -> Tyrolia
A Vienna S Trieste -> Tyrolia
A Budapest S A Vienna
F Stevastopol Holds
A Ukraine S A Galicia -> Warsaw
A Trieste -> Tyrolia
A Vienna S Trieste -> Tyrolia
A Budapest S A Vienna
F Stevastopol Holds
A Rum -> Gal
A Mos S A Gal -> War
A Ven S A Tri -> Tyr
F Ion -> Apu
F Aeg -> Ion
A Rom -> Tus
F Tun -> NAf
F WMS S F Tun -> Naf
F Nap -> Tyn
Mid Atlantic hold
English Channel support Mid Atlantic
Gascony support Piedmont to Marseilles
Brest support Gascony
Keil to Berlin
Holland to North Sea
London hold
Edinburgh to Norwegian Sea
Norway to St. Petersburg
A Portugal holds
F Spain (NC) to Gascony
A Marseilles supports Italy's A Venezia to Piedmont
Thursday, March 19, 2009
1906 - An Illustrated History



Illustrated Histories,
Monday, March 16, 2009
Winter 1906 Final

Orders for Spring 1907 are due by Monday. Russia was eliminated this year (time for Bill's contribution to the game).
Germany destroys North Africa and Munich. Germany controls 6 centers.
France still has 3 centers.
Austria builds army Budapest. Austria controls 6 centers.
England builds army London and fleet Edninburgh. England controls 9 centers.
Italy builds army Rome and fleet Naples. Italy controls 10 centers.
Russia eliminated.
Turkey eliminated.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Winter 1906 Retreats

To start off Russia could retreat, but he had to destroy his 2 remaining units and did not email in any retreat orders, so I decided to destroy them to move things along. Germany is out of the country for a week and has asked that we hold Spring 1907 until Monday. If anyone has any objections let me know. Germany emailed his adjustments already and as you can see retreated to North Africa. Here are the adjustments needed by Monday.
Austria may build 1 unit.
Italy may build 2 units.
France neither builds nor destroys.
England may build 2 units.
Germany must destroy 2 units.
Russia must destroy his last remaining units, which I did for him to get this map ready.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Fall 1906 Results

This is my first attempt at this ever, let me know if anything is wrong guys.
Italy has asked that retreats not be due until Monday because he is out of town. Since he does not have any retreats I say that they are still due by tonight and I will adjust them for Sunday morning. Winter fall 1906 can wait until Monday when Italy is back, I would like to have those results up Tuesday morning. Then Spring 1907 goes on as usual Friday.
A Galicia -> Warsaw
N St. Petersburg Holds
WMED -> Spain(SC)
Burgundy -> Marsellies
Tyrolia -> Piedmont
Munich -> Tyrolia
Bohemia supports Munich -> Tyrolia
Prussia -> Warsaw
Ruhr -> Munich
Moscow -> St. Petersburg
Norway support Moscow to St. Petersburg
Denemark to Kiel
North Sea to Holland
English Channel support North Africa to Mid Atlantic
North Africa to Mid Atlantic with support of English Channel
Gascony to Brest
Paris to Gascony
A Trieste S A Vienna
A Budapest -> Galicia
A Vienna S A Budapest -> Galicia
F Black Sea -> Stevastopol
A Ukraine S A Stevastopol -> Moscow
A Budapest -> Galicia
A Vienna S A Budapest -> Galicia
F Black Sea -> Stevastopol
A Ukraine S A Stevastopol -> Moscow
A Ste -> Mos
A Rum S A Bud -> Gal
F CON -> Aeg
F Tyn -> WMS
F GOL S F Tyn -> WMS
F Tun S F Tyn -> WMS
F Ion S F Tun
A Pie -> Ven
A Rum S A Bud -> Gal
F CON -> Aeg
F Tyn -> WMS
F GOL S F Tyn -> WMS
F Tun S F Tyn -> WMS
F Ion S F Tun
A Pie -> Ven
F Mid Atlantic to Spain (NC)
A Portugal supports F Mid Atlantic to Spain (NC)
A Marseilles to Burgundy
A Portugal supports F Mid Atlantic to Spain (NC)
A Marseilles to Burgundy
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Stalemate, here we come.
If it isn't painfully obvious where this game is headed, then you should have your eyes examined. We are setting up perfectly on the stalemate line. Enjoy!
Spring 1906 retreats
Retreats needed from
Austria-Hungary's unit in Tyrolia. It can retreat to Trieste or Venice or disband.
England's fleet in Piedmont retreats off the board, and its fleet in Tunis can retreat into North Africa or disband.
Germany's army in Vienna can retreat to Bohemia or disband.
Retreats due tonight, Saturday. Updated Spring will be posted Sunday in the AM.
Spring 1906

F Black Sea S A Bulgaria -> Rumania
A Rumania -> Ukraine
A Budapest S A Trieste -> Vienna
A Trieste -> Vienna
A Tyrolia -> Bohemia
Norway to St. Petersburg
Edinburgh convoy to Denmark
North Sea convoy Edinburgh to Denmark
London to English Channel
Picardy to Paris
Gascony to Mid Atlantic
Tunisia to Tyrhennian Sea
Piedmont to Gulf of Lyon with support from West Med
Edinburgh convoy to Denmark
North Sea convoy Edinburgh to Denmark
London to English Channel
Picardy to Paris
Gascony to Mid Atlantic
Tunisia to Tyrhennian Sea
Piedmont to Gulf of Lyon with support from West Med
A Spain to Portugal
A Marseilles supports A Tuscany to Piedmont
F Mid Atlantic to Western Mediterranean
WMED supports Piedmont -> GOL
Paris -> Burgundy
Ruhr supports Paris -> Burgundy
Berlin -> Prussia
Warsaw-> Moscow
Bohemia -> Tyrolia
Munich supports Bohemia -> Tyrolia
Vienna supports Bohemia -> Tyrolia
Paris -> Burgundy
Ruhr supports Paris -> Burgundy
Berlin -> Prussia
Warsaw-> Moscow
Bohemia -> Tyrolia
Munich supports Bohemia -> Tyrolia
Vienna supports Bohemia -> Tyrolia
A Ste S A Rum -> Ukr
A Bul -> Rum
F Aeg -> Con
A Bul -> Rum
F Aeg -> Con
A Tus -> Pie
F Tyn -> Tun
F Ion S F Tyn -> Tun
F Nap -> Tyn
F Ion S F Tyn -> Tun
F Nap -> Tyn
No orders submitted. Civil Disorder.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Winter 1905 final
Builds noted in yellow, disbands with red.

Its starting to get down to the endgame. Which dynamic duo will take it all. The Brothers, Matt and Josh with the assistance of their old buddies, also brothers, Leo and Owen. Or will the outsiders steal one from Tom's high school buddies. Time will tell.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Winter 1905 Retreats

Austria Vienna -> Trieste
England GOL -> Piedmont
Russia submitted no orders. Consequently units in Norway, Rumania, and Stevastopol will be disbanded.
Austria Hungary now controls 5 centers and may neither build nor disband any units
England now controls 8 centers and may build 2 unit.
France now controls 3 centers and must destroy 1 unit.
Germany now controls 8 centers and may build 1 unit.
Italy now controls 8 centers and may build 1 unit.
Russia now controls 2 centers and may build 1 unit.
Builds/Disbands are due tonight, Sunday. I will process them Monday morning, early. Any builds not submitted will be forfeited until the next year. Any disbands not submitted will result in the unit farthest from home centers being disbanded.
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