This is my first attempt at this ever, let me know if anything is wrong guys.
Italy has asked that retreats not be due until Monday because he is out of town. Since he does not have any retreats I say that they are still due by tonight and I will adjust them for Sunday morning. Winter fall 1906 can wait until Monday when Italy is back, I would like to have those results up Tuesday morning. Then Spring 1907 goes on as usual Friday.
A Galicia -> Warsaw
N St. Petersburg Holds
WMED -> Spain(SC)
Burgundy -> Marsellies
Tyrolia -> Piedmont
Munich -> Tyrolia
Bohemia supports Munich -> Tyrolia
Prussia -> Warsaw
Ruhr -> Munich
Moscow -> St. Petersburg
Norway support Moscow to St. Petersburg
Denemark to Kiel
North Sea to Holland
English Channel support North Africa to Mid Atlantic
North Africa to Mid Atlantic with support of English Channel
Gascony to Brest
Paris to Gascony
A Trieste S A Vienna
A Budapest -> Galicia
A Vienna S A Budapest -> Galicia
F Black Sea -> Stevastopol
A Ukraine S A Stevastopol -> Moscow
A Budapest -> Galicia
A Vienna S A Budapest -> Galicia
F Black Sea -> Stevastopol
A Ukraine S A Stevastopol -> Moscow
A Ste -> Mos
A Rum S A Bud -> Gal
F CON -> Aeg
F Tyn -> WMS
F GOL S F Tyn -> WMS
F Tun S F Tyn -> WMS
F Ion S F Tun
A Pie -> Ven
A Rum S A Bud -> Gal
F CON -> Aeg
F Tyn -> WMS
F GOL S F Tyn -> WMS
F Tun S F Tyn -> WMS
F Ion S F Tun
A Pie -> Ven
F Mid Atlantic to Spain (NC)
A Portugal supports F Mid Atlantic to Spain (NC)
A Marseilles to Burgundy
A Portugal supports F Mid Atlantic to Spain (NC)
A Marseilles to Burgundy
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