Thursday, December 31, 2009

Spring 1901

Moves for Spring of 1901 are due Saturday, January 9th, at midnight eastern standard time!

Moves and inquiries should be sent to

New Round!

The the following are country assignments for the new round of Diplomacy:

England: Josh

France: Tony

Italy: Craig

Germany: Tom

Austria-Hungary: Bill

Russia: Owen

Turkey: Damian

Let the conniving commence!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Holidays...Any interest in a new game?

As I was setting up my christmas tree I was thinking....There haven't been any posts since the end of October. And despite the fact that I was knocked out within weeks, I kinda want to play again.

I propose that we get another draw together and not have any moves due until after new years eve is over. But in the mean time, we can plot and scheme, and in some cases meet in person. (since I'll be traveling to see some folks this holiday season)

I volunteer to moderate for this game if you'll have me. I will download diplo as long as Bill can show me how to use it in the coming week.

Any opinions? ideas? Problems? suggestions?

Add a post to the site or email me. I now have a blackberry, so emails get answered quite quickly.

Happy Holidays to everyone and Merry Christmas to my pseudo-christian friends

Friday, October 23, 2009


Congrats everyone on a thoroughly enjoyable and well-played game!

Thanks to Josh for Moderating!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Game 4 - An Illustrated Summary

"Time and chance happen to them all" - but mostly to these guys.

The ruins of the Italian and Russian empires are now on display in the British Museum.

Craig rescues Bill from an ugly stalemate, and by doing so narrowly escapes elimination.

Bill, on vacation from conquering Europe, inspects the progress of his PEACEFUL, CIVILIAN nuclear program at an underground bunker in Natanz. If you think that I'm working too hard on my vacation, please note the comfy blue slippers.

Great game everyone! Also, huge thanks to Josh for taking the time to moderate.

Rule Brittania

With his capture of Marseilles in Southern France and the Russian capitol city of Moscow, England successfully made 1912 into the year when British hegemony was firmly established. Bill's victory makes everyone else involved in the game "a loser."

Congratulations, Bill!

Here is the final map (Note the dark blue units spread across Northern Europe):

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Spring 1912 Results

The Spring of 1912 brings us one step closer to the end of the game. As the Russo-Italian vice closes in on Turkey, the Ottomans throw one last "screw you guys, I'm going home" in the face of their enemies by attempting (and failing) to get the Union Jack flying above the walls of Moscow. Meanwhile, in the West, the British climb another step closer to hegemony, broaching the question: Will there be a 1913?

Here are the moves:

And the results:

The unit in Bulgaria had no where to retreat and was disbanded. There are no other retreats.

Let's try and keep things moving. Moves for Fall 1912 will be due at midnight tomorrow (Wednesday). Please let me know ASAP if this is a problem for you.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Here's your map for 1912:

Moves for Spring 1912 will be due Sunday at midnight.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Winter 1911-1912

Italy retreated from Munich to Tyrolia, and now Winter is upon us. The following builds/disbands are due by midnight Wednesday (that's tomorrow):
England: 16 supply centers, 14 units. 2 units may be built.
Italy: 8 supply centers, 10 units. 2 units must be removed.
Russia: 4 supply centers, 4 units. No units to build or remove.
Turkey: 6 supply centers, 6 units. No units to build or remove.

Here's your board:

Fall 1911 Results

As Russia, Turkey, and Italy strike and parry in the East, Bill's Woolen Curtain continues to sweep Southward through France and Germany into Italian territory. Italian forces are headed Westward to face him down, but will they get there in time?

The moves:

The results:

The following retreats will be due Tuesdsay at midnight:
The Italian army in Munich must retreat to Silesia, Bohemia, Tyrolia, or off the board.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Spring 1911 - An Illustrated History

THIS ... IS ... RUSSIA!!!
Above: Leo Landrey opts not to go gentle into that good night.

Time for Fall 1911

Here is your map for Fall 1911:

Moves are due Sunday at midnight.

... just hold still for another second...

Just because we're pussies, that doesn't mean we won't kill you if we get the chance.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The White Flag of Courage

The Italians, having spent perhaps a bit too much time in France, have decided to surrender. But England has a clear a message in return: "We don't want your charity any more than we want your superior motorized schooter technology."

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Spring 1911 Results

Flowers blooming. Sun shining. Snow melting. Ottomans raping the residents of Moscow. Spring is in the air! And the Spring of 1911 saw some successes for the Italians, who successfully held back British advances in France while their Navy made progress against the Turks in the East. Their Russian counterparts were not so lucky, as Turkish forces did what Napolean could not and captured the Russian capitol with plenty of time left before Winter.

In the North, the English seem bent on one goal: Hold their gains in Scandinavia and Northern Russia with the hope of getting those last few precious centers away from the Italians in Western Europe. Stopping them may require an alliance between the other three remaining powers, who so far have shown neither the desire nor the capacity for such an alliance.

We may soon all be singing "Rule Britannia!"

The moves:

The results:

The following retreats are due tomorrow (Wednesday) at midnight:
The Russian army in Moscow must retreat to Warsaw or off the board.
The Turkish fleet on the Aegean Sea must retreat to Constantinople or off the board.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

1911 is Here

Thanks to everyone getting your builds in so quickly! Here is the updated board as we start 1911:

If you guys can be quick again and get your moves for Spring 1911 in by tomorrow (Thursday) at midnight, I will process on Friday and we can have another move over the weekend.

Builds due Thursday Night

Retreats have been submitted. Here is the board:

The following builds and disbands are due on Thursday at midnight:
England: 14 supply centers, 12 units. 2 units may be built.
Italy: 10 supply centers, 9 units. 1 unit may be built.
Russia: 4 supply centers, 5 units. 1 unit must be removed.
Turkey: 6 supply centers, 7 units. 1 unit must be removed.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Fall 1910 Results

Fall of 1910 brings strong counter-punching on both fronts by the Italians, who are now fighting a war on many fronts. Meanwhile, their Russian allies struggle inside the Anglo-Turkish vice that is closing on their motherland. English forces, despite a setback in central France, are making progress as they sweep to the Southeast in an obvious attempt for the solo victory. Whether British hegemony can be avoided remains to be seen . . .

The moves:

The results:

The following retreats are due by midnight on Tuesday (the sooner the better though!):
England must retreat from Burgundy to Ruhr, Picardy, or off the board.
Turkey must retreat from Serbia to Bulgaria, Albania, or off the board.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fall 1910

Retreats are in. Here is your board for Fall 1910:

If you can get your moves in tomorrow (Thursday), I'm happy to process Friday morning so we can do another move on Sunday.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Spring 1910 Results

As Turkey and Russia tr to finish off Turkey in the Southeast, the English use the Spring of 1910 to move into position for their all-out invasion of the continent. Turkey seems to be putting up a strong fight for survival . . . will he hold out until help arrives in the form of British hegemony? Or can Italy and Russia finish him off in time to turn around and face their haggis-eating foes?

The moves:

The results:

The following retreats are due Wednesday at midnight:
Italy must retreat from the Aegean to the Eastern Med or off the board.
Russia must retreat from Stevastopol to Ukraine or off the board.

Friday, September 11, 2009

1910 is here

Below is your map for the start of 1910. Moves for the Spring of 1910 are due Sunday at midnight.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

1909 - An Illustrated History

Italy and his new friend Russia use a visual aid to demonstrate what remains of Turkey's chances for victory.

A solo victory seems a long shot, but England can't resist the challenge.

Bill Gerrard = Adolph Hilter?

Welcome to Paris, you sonofabitch.

Supply Center Ownership

For clarity, here are the details on the current supply-center ownership:
Austria: None.
England: Belgium, Brest, Denmark, Edinburgh, Holland, Kiel, Liverpool, London, Norway, Paris, St. Petersburg, Sweden (12 total).
France: None.
Germany: None.
Italy: Marseilles, Munich, Naples, Portugal, Rome, Spain, Trieste, Tunis, Venice (9 total).
Russia: Berlin, Budapest, Moscow, Sevastopol, Warsaw (5 total)
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Rumania, Serbia, Smyrna, Vienna (8 total).

Fall 1909 Results

1909 saw England emerge from the pack, as British forces consolidated holdings in the North and, in a stunning betrayal of Italy, struck into Northern France to wrest centers from Italy's Western flank even as Italy and Russia had some success against the now retreating Turks.

Can England be stopped? Or is Bill on the way to a triumphant solo victory?

The moves:

The results:

There are no retreats. The following builds/disbands will be due Wednesday at midnight:
England: 12 supply centers, 10 units. 2 units may be built.
Italy: 9 supply centers, 10 units. 1 unit must be removed.
Russia: 5 supply centers, 6 units. 1 unit must be removed.
Turkey: 8 supply centers, 7 units. 1 unit may be built.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Spring 1909 Results

Winter's that was fast in 1909, with things really heating up in the Spring as alliances crumble and shift. Stymied in their war against the British, the Russians partner with the Italians to destroy their Turkish ally's unit in Vienna. The Italians, sensing the threat of British betrayal, bring more units into Southern France. And with British naval units moving into place for a North Sea convoy while their infantry marches into Northern France, Italy's worries appear well-founded.

Turkey, who once appeared to be the strongest power on the board, is now in a perilous position as enemies appear to surround him. Meanwhile it's not clear that anyone can stop the Royal Navy from claiming it's rightful dominion over the water's of Europe. What will happen in the Fall?

The Moves:

The Results:

There are no retreats (the dislodged unit in Vienna was forced to disband). Moves for Fall 1909 are due Wednesday at midnight so we can get two moves in this week.

Friday, August 28, 2009


Here's the board as we begin 1909:

Moves for Spring 1909 will be due Sunday at midnight.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

1908 - An Illustrated History

"Again we see there is nothing you can possess which I cannot take away."

After occupying Venice in 1907, Turkey allows two supply centers to slip through his fingers.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Winter 1908

Retreats have been submitted. Here is the board:

The following builds are due tomorrow (Wednesday) at midnight:
England: 10 supply centers, 9 units. 1 unit may be built.
Italy: 10 supply centers, 8 units. 2 units may be built.
Russia: 6 supply centers, 7 units. 1 unit must be removed.
Turkey: 8 supply centers, 8 units. No units to build or remove.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Fall 1908 Results

Fall 1908 may be remembered as the turn in which England and Italy finally turned the tide on the Juggernaut, capturing centers and moving battle lines in both the Northern and Southern arenas. Italy's sly retaking of Venice in 1907 was successfully converted into the sacking of Trieste from the Turks, while England's Scandinavian accomplishments finally paid off with the captures of Russia's northern port. England and Italy may now be poised to wipe the Juggernaut off the map . . . if their alliance can hold. But perhaps an Eastern Diplomat with the right offer . . .

The moves:

The results:

The following retreats are due ASAP (no later than midnight Tuesday):
Russia: The Russian army in St. Petersburg must retreat to Moscow or off the map.
Turkey: The Turkish army in Trieste must retreat to Vienna, Serbia, or off the map.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Spring 1908 Results

Spring 1908 saw the Italians push their advantage in the South (after their brilliant capture of Albania last fall) by retaking their home city of Venice while holding their position in the Med. Meanwhile in the North, England deftly eliminates a Russian fleet as the pressure on St. Petersburg intensifies. Perhaps the Anglo-Italian alliance has what it takes to turn back the juggernaut?

The Moves:

The Results:

The fleets in Venice and Finland were both forced to retreat off the map, so there are no outstanding retreats. Moves for Fall 1908 will be due on Sunday at midnight. Thank you all for your promptness in getting this additional move done quickly!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Spring 1908 Moves Due Tonight at Midnight

As discussed, we will be moving twice a week now. Moves for Spring 1908 are due at midnight tonight.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Spring 1908

Builds are in and it's time for Spring! Moves for Spring 1908 will be due on Sunday at midnight (as usual).

Here's your map:

In the meantime, keep up the smack talking!

Monday, August 17, 2009

1907 - An Illustrated History

Owen was in the unenviable position of being situated between a juggernaut and the English navy. Of course, it didn't help that he was distracted by his summer camp duties, which involved wielding absolute power over a malnourished legion in the middle of the godforsaken woods. Mistah Kurtz, he dead.

More like jugger-naught.

Albania, a little piece of Italy right in your backyard

Will Italy retake Venice in the spring (FYI to the Turks: you can't stop this) or will Italy decide to move on Trieste, Greece, the Agean or Serbia instead? Perhaps its fearless leader has another surprise move under his sleeve (i.e. maybe NOW is the time to convoy to Syria)...

Time to quake in fear and stock up on adult diapers: I'm coming for you!!!!!!

Fall 1907 Results

1907 has come to end with heated battles in the South contrasting against continued jockeying for postition in the North. The two alliances in the struggle now seem evenly matched, with the Anglo-Italian forces sharing 17 centers and the Russo-Turkish alliance doing the same. Can someone poke through in 1908? Or will a stalemate line solidify through central Europe?

Here are the moves:

Moves in the South were quite complicated, so it can be difficult to tell from the map what occurred. The basic jist is that the Italians used Piedmont to cut Albania's support into the Adriatic while simultaneously convoying Naples through the Ionion to Albania. With no place to retreat, the Albanian unit was disbanded.

And the results:

There are no retreats. The following builds will be due tomorrow (Tuesday, August 18th) at midnight:
England: 9 supply centers, 8 units. 1 unit may be built.
Italy: 8 supply centers, 9 units. 1 unit must be removed.
Russia: 8 supply centers, 8 units. No units to build or remove.
Turkey: 9 supply centers, 7 units. 2 units may be built.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

And then there were 4 . . .

After retreats, here is your board:

Moves for Fall 1907 are due Sunday, August 16th at midnight.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Spring 1907 Results

In the Spring of 1907, the war between Italy and Turkey continues to escalate as a Turkish navy sails into Venice, only to be cut off from it's allies as the Italian navy regains control of the central Mediterranean. Meanwhile, in the North the British reaffirm their alliance with the Italians while taking the last of Germany's remaining centers as the Queen and the Tsar continue jockeying for position in their face off. Is a stalemate line forming in central Europe? Or will someone manage to break through?

The Moves:

The Results:

Retreats will be due tomorrow (8/4) at midnight. Moves for Fall 1907 will be postponed one week until Sunday, August 16th so that I can get married. The following retreats need to be made:

  • Italy must retreat from Venice to Tuscany, Rome, or off the board.
  • Turkey must retreat from the Ionian Sea to the Aegean or off the board.
  • Germany must retreat from Kiel to Munich or off the board.