I have a dream that one day we will march together into the valley of rich and plenty. We will briefly put aside our plans of world conquest and march hand in hand with any nation that will go with us.
I have a dream that the victor of the last game shall not (nor be given a chance to) be victor once again. We have lived in shame of our past failures long enough. We have had our shame rubbed in our faces with beautifully illustrated photoshop images for the last time. It is time to throw down the chains of bondage that our neighbor has shackled us in.
I have a dream that we will kill Bill. That his 6 centers can be divided fairly between all interest parties. I ask only for Vienna. To Russia, who I am sure will march with us, I say Budapest and Bulgaria are his spoils. And to the pimp daddy, we give the sugar of Trieste, Serbia, and Greece.
I have a dream that this game end much quicker than the last game. If Bill is kept alive, and you align with him, we are looking ahead to a long drawn out game. Do you want us to sit on the stalemate lines? Besides aren't all of our chances of victory greatly multiplied with Austria out of the picture? Let us unify under a common cause. Let us work together. Let us get even.
I have a dream a dream today
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