First things first: It came to my attention while tabulating the supply centers that when Tom posted the builds from last year, he neglected to draw on the map his army in Galicia. (See below: the Galicia unit appears on the February 10th map, but inexplicably disappears by the February 13th map.) One can only imagine the missed opportunities for mayhem. "For of all sad words of tongue and pen, / The saddest are these, "It might have been!"
I worked very slowly and carefully, but this is the first time I've done this, so please let me know via email if I made any errors.
I'm on processing duty once again this week, so send all retreats/builds/moves to me at william.gerrard@gmail.com. France's retreat is due by midnight Sunday. Winter builds are due by midnight Monday. Spring 1908 (where does the time go?) moves are due midnight Friday. If I get everyones' retreats/builds earlier, I'll post them earlier.
Bulgaria S Greece
Greece S Bulgaria (cut)
Trieste -> Adriatic Sea
Vienna -> Bohemia
Tyrolia -> Venice (bounce)
Livonia -> St. Petersburg (bounce)
Moscow S Livonia -> St. Petersburg
English Channel -> Belgium
Holland S English Channel -> Belgium
Norway -> Norwegian Sea (bounce)
Berlin Holds
York -> North Sea
Portugal -> Spain (bounce)
North Africa -> MAO
Burgandy -> Paris
Belgium -> Holland (bounce)
Munich -> Kiel
Gulf of Bothnia S St. Petersburg
No move submitted for Sweden, unit holds
Aegean Sea -> Greece (bounce)
Ionian Sea S Aegean Sea -> Greece
Western Med. -> Tunis
Spain Holds
Gascony -> Brest
Marseilles -> Burgandy
Venice Holds
Piedmonte S Venice
Edinburgh S York -> North Sea
Norwegian Sea S York -> North Sea (cut)
No move submitted for St. Petersburg, unit holds
Finland -> Sweden (no such unit exists)
N Constantinople -> Aegean Sea (bounce)
Smyrna Holds
RETREATS: (due by midnight Sunday)
France must retreat Belgium to either Picardy or Ruhr.
BUILDS: (due by midnight Monday)
AUSTRIA controls the following centers: Vienna, Budapest, Trieste, Serbia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Sevastapol, Warsaw, Moscow, Greece (10 total). Austria may build 2 units.
ENGLAND controls the following centers: Liverpool, Holland, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Berlin (6 total). England may build 2 units, but is only capable of building 1 unit as 2 of his supply centers are currently under foreign occupation. Xenophobia is running high.
FRANCE controls the following centers: Paris, London, Munich, Portugal, Kiel (5 total). France must destroy 1 unit.
GERMANY controls the following centers: Sweden (1 total). Germany must destroy 1 unit.
ITALY controls the following centers: Rome, Venice, Naples, Spain, Marsailles, Tunis, Brest (7 total). Italy must destroy 1 unit.
RUSSIA controls the following centers: Edinburgh, St. Petersburg (2 total). Russia must destroy 1 unit.
TURKEY controls the following centers: Constantinople, Ankara, Smyrna (3 total). Turkey may build 1 unit.
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