Friday, October 23, 2009


Congrats everyone on a thoroughly enjoyable and well-played game!

Thanks to Josh for Moderating!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Game 4 - An Illustrated Summary

"Time and chance happen to them all" - but mostly to these guys.

The ruins of the Italian and Russian empires are now on display in the British Museum.

Craig rescues Bill from an ugly stalemate, and by doing so narrowly escapes elimination.

Bill, on vacation from conquering Europe, inspects the progress of his PEACEFUL, CIVILIAN nuclear program at an underground bunker in Natanz. If you think that I'm working too hard on my vacation, please note the comfy blue slippers.

Great game everyone! Also, huge thanks to Josh for taking the time to moderate.

Rule Brittania

With his capture of Marseilles in Southern France and the Russian capitol city of Moscow, England successfully made 1912 into the year when British hegemony was firmly established. Bill's victory makes everyone else involved in the game "a loser."

Congratulations, Bill!

Here is the final map (Note the dark blue units spread across Northern Europe):

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Spring 1912 Results

The Spring of 1912 brings us one step closer to the end of the game. As the Russo-Italian vice closes in on Turkey, the Ottomans throw one last "screw you guys, I'm going home" in the face of their enemies by attempting (and failing) to get the Union Jack flying above the walls of Moscow. Meanwhile, in the West, the British climb another step closer to hegemony, broaching the question: Will there be a 1913?

Here are the moves:

And the results:

The unit in Bulgaria had no where to retreat and was disbanded. There are no other retreats.

Let's try and keep things moving. Moves for Fall 1912 will be due at midnight tomorrow (Wednesday). Please let me know ASAP if this is a problem for you.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Here's your map for 1912:

Moves for Spring 1912 will be due Sunday at midnight.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Winter 1911-1912

Italy retreated from Munich to Tyrolia, and now Winter is upon us. The following builds/disbands are due by midnight Wednesday (that's tomorrow):
England: 16 supply centers, 14 units. 2 units may be built.
Italy: 8 supply centers, 10 units. 2 units must be removed.
Russia: 4 supply centers, 4 units. No units to build or remove.
Turkey: 6 supply centers, 6 units. No units to build or remove.

Here's your board:

Fall 1911 Results

As Russia, Turkey, and Italy strike and parry in the East, Bill's Woolen Curtain continues to sweep Southward through France and Germany into Italian territory. Italian forces are headed Westward to face him down, but will they get there in time?

The moves:

The results:

The following retreats will be due Tuesdsay at midnight:
The Italian army in Munich must retreat to Silesia, Bohemia, Tyrolia, or off the board.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Spring 1911 - An Illustrated History

THIS ... IS ... RUSSIA!!!
Above: Leo Landrey opts not to go gentle into that good night.

Time for Fall 1911

Here is your map for Fall 1911:

Moves are due Sunday at midnight.

... just hold still for another second...

Just because we're pussies, that doesn't mean we won't kill you if we get the chance.