To all participants of this game, it has come to my attention that there has been a great deal of inconsistence on my part as far as holding to deadlines and making it public which date is the deadline. As we are past the holidays, the delays should stop. As for the consistence, that will change as of now. So my apologizes if I have not kept this game running as smoothly as some of our previous processors, I will do my best from here on out.
The moves were as such

Budapest -> Rumania
Galicia supports Budapest -> Rumania
Trieste -> Budapest
Serbia supports Bulgaria*
Bulgaria holds*
Belgium holds
North Sea supports Belgium (order written as holds and supports Belgium, unit cannot do both, but common sense says Damian wanted this unit to support, and so it did.)
Norway to Sweden
English Channel holds
Picardy -> Belgium
Burgundy supports Picardy to Belgium
Paris supports Picardy (this is an invalid order, you cannot support a unit if it is attempting to move to a province that the supporting unit is not adjacent to. If Picardy was holding, then his support would be valid. Picardy was attempting to move to Belgium. As a result, Paris holds.)
Mid-Atlantic Ocean -> Portugal
Denmark supports Norway -> Sweden
Kiel -> Holland
Berlin holds
Burgundy holds
Tunisia holds
Ionian Sea -> Eastern Med
Naples -> Ionian Sea
Greece supports Bulgaria*
St. Petersburg -> Norway
Sweden supports St. Petersburg -> Norway (unit dislodged and must retreat or disband)
Prussia -> Warsaw
Ankara holds
Rumania holds (unit dislodged and must retreat of disband)
All units hold
*A reminder, no coast was specified in your fleet in Bulgaria. I don't mean to be picky, but I asked Owen to specify for his fleets in St. Petersburg, and Leo did it in Spain. Here is the warning to all players, if nc or sc is not specified, the unit's orders will be invalid. From this moment forward, and here is a final warning, all orders written w/o the specific coast will cause the unit to hold. Please be advised.
The results...
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