Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Coast? What coast?

If one is moving to a territory with two coats from a territorty that is adjacent to only one of those coasts, I think it's unreasonable to demand that specification.  If I move from Greece to Bulgaria, then of course I'm moving to the south coast: I don't have another option (by the way, I did specify a coast in that move).

This rule seams even more out of touch in the last move, where my unit in Bulgaria was holding.  It was on the south coast so if it holds, it is holding on the south coast.  Units supporting it are obviously supporting its hold there.

Failure to denominate a coast should only be penalized in cases where the move is ambiguous due to the lack of specification, as would be the case when moving from the Middle Atlantic Ocean to Spain or from Constantinople to Bulgaria.

Just my two cents.


V. I. Landrey said...

In his defense, Tony did write on December 13 (appended at the bottom of a list of moves) that moves failing to specify SC/NC will, in the future, result in the unit holding.

While I agree that this is an overly draconian rule, he did give us "fair warning" that there would be no grey area in this regard. I would and will lobby the administrator to be a little more commonsensical, but he *is* the administrator, and lord knows I don't have time for that job.

Big Bear said...

Even though Matt is a prick, and is now my sworn enemy, I completely agree.