In a short while Tony will post the draw and the new assignments. Let's just say I'm less than pleased with mine, but hey, whatever.
We had discussed a system for giving points based on performance. While we only play about 2 games a year at the pace we go, it looks like, after a full year, this is something that will keep going for a while. And It's a fun little diversion during the week. Anyhow, I will post a poll on the following options, please vote for one.
1. No ranking system. ( I lose often and don't feel like having it broadcast.)
2. A Ranking system that awards 20 points for a solo victory or divides those 20 points equally in the event of a draw. Should a solo victory occur, survivors will get one point for each center they have left divided by 2.
3. A Ranking system that awards 100 points for 1st place, 80 for second, 60 for third, 40 for fourth, and no points for5, 6 or 7th place. When the game ends in a solo victory the above applies. Your ranking is determined by a combination of #1 your order of elimination and #2 the number of centers you have when the game ends. Players without centers cannot have a ranking or share of any points awarded. When it ends in a draw, all points are divided equally (out of 100 total)
4. Another suggestion not listed here, but I DO favor a ranking system moving forward.
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