Monday, April 6, 2009

a new game

You've all made the terrible mistake of agreeing to make me moderator for the next game, so let's get it started. Please e-mail me ASAP if you are interested in managing a power. I will draw on Wednesday.

A few small changes will be in place:
  • Game-related e-mails should be sent to youbigfattraitor at live dot com
  • I will try to reduce the amount of outgoing e-mail from the moderator. Please check the website regularly! I recommend you set up an RSS feed from the website.

Let's get it started!


Crubens said...

oooooooh! an "RSS Feed" eh? Gettin' all high and techy on us, eh comp sci kid? Watch out everyone or this MSFT-lackie is going to use some PHP to defragment our blog with a Python-powered aggregator and flux capacitor. Or some such.

Yeah, watch out.

Josh said...

Craig, I work for MICROSOFT. I'm not going to use PHP and Python. I'm going to use ASP.NET and PowerShell.