Let me begin by commenting about all my emails lately. Processing takes time. More than it would first appear, and so I'd like to propose the new timeline established in my email. Friday order submission, Saturday, retreats if necessary, and Sunday for the winter build. Why do we need a 24 hour extension if instead of Friday night, 3/4 of the players submit for Saturday, it makes no sense, we might as well just have a deadline of Saturday, which is also a choice. I think we need to keep this game moving, and the best way to do that is to have some harsh, yet consistent deadlines. So I've posted a poll, get your votes in, whatever is the winner will start for Spring of 1905.
And now more important business.
The orders were as follows:
A Budapest S A Rumania
tyrolia ->vienna
bohemia s tyrolia ->vienna
ns ->ec
A Trieste -> Tyrolia
A Vienna S A Trieste -> Tyrolia
A Galicia -> Ukraine
A Rumania S Galicia -> Urkaine
F Constantinople -> Black Sea
Sweden hold
Belgium to Picardy
English Channel to Brest with support from Mid Atlantic
Mid Atlantic support English Channel to Brest
West Med to Tyrhenian Sea
Belgium to Picardy
English Channel to Brest with support from Mid Atlantic
Mid Atlantic support English Channel to Brest
West Med to Tyrhenian Sea
A Paris supports A Brest
A Brest supports A Paris
A Piedmont to Marseilles
A Spain supports F Portugal
F Portugal supports A Spain
silesia s warsaw->galiciatyrolia ->vienna
bohemia s tyrolia ->vienna
ns ->ec
F EMS -> Ion
F Ion -> Tun
A Gre H
F Aeg -> Con
A Smy S F Aeg -> Con
A Ven S A Tri -> Ty
F, Black Sea Supports Sevastopol-> Rumania
A Sevastopol -> Rumania
A Ukraine S Sevastopol -> Rumania
A Warsaw -> Galicia
F Barents Sea S Sweden (Unable to support unit, BS holds)
A Sweden Holds (Incorrect unit, Norway holds)
A Sevastopol -> Rumania
A Ukraine S Sevastopol -> Rumania
A Warsaw -> Galicia
F Barents Sea S Sweden (Unable to support unit, BS holds)
A Sweden Holds (Incorrect unit, Norway holds)
And that results in...
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