Retreats will be due midnight Sunday. Winter adjustments will be due midnight Monday. Moves for Spring 1913 will be due midnight next Friday. Send everything to me at william.gerrard@gmail.com.
Moscow -> Livonia
Warsaw -> Prussia
Munich -> Ruhr (bounce)
Western Med. S Marseilles -> Spain
MAO S Portugal -> Spain
English Channel S Brest
Brest Holds
Wales -> York
Belgium -> North Sea
Holland -> Ruhr
Kiel S Holland -> Ruhr
Berlin Holds
Finland -> Sweden
St. Petersburg -> Norway
Portugal -> Spain (bounce)
Tunis -> Tyrhennian Sea (unit dislodged, must retreat)
Norway -> Finland
Marseilles -> Spain (bounce)
Gascony -> Brest (bounce)
Paris S Gascony -> Brest
Ionian Sea -> Tunis
Tyrhennian Sea S Ionian Sea -> Tunis
Bohemia -> Munich (bounce)
Vienna Holds (unit dislodged, must retreat)
Greece Holds (unit dislodged, must retreat)
Galicia -> Vienna
Budapest S Galicia -> Vienna
Aegean Sea -> Greece
Bulgaria S Aegean Sea -> Greece
Eastern Med. -> Ionian Sea
Constantinople -> Aegean Sea
Sevastopol -> Moscow
FRANCE must disband Tunis or retreat to North Africa.
ITALY must disband Greece or retreat to Albania, and must disband Vienna or retreat to either Tyrolia or Trieste.
AUSTRIA controls the following supply centers: Munich, Warsaw (2 total). Austria must destroy 2 units.
ENGLAND controls the following supply centers: Liverpool, London, Edinburgh, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Kiel, Sweden, St. Petersburg, Brest, Berlin, Norway (12 total). England may build 2 units.
FRANCE controls the following supply centers: Portugal (1 total). France must destroy 1 unit.
GERMANY does not control any supply centers. Germany must destroy his last remaining unit.
ITALY controls the following supply centers: Rome, Naples, Venice, Marseilles, Paris, Spain, Trieste, Tunis (8 total). Italy neither builds nor destroys units.
TURKEY controls the following supply centers: Constantinople, Ankara, Smyrna, Bulgaria, Romania, Sevastopol, Serbia, Budapest, Vienna, Greece, Moscow (11 total). Turkey may build 3 units and has 1 build on hold for next year.