Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Winter 1906
The Map:

The Following Builds are due on Wednesday at 11:59PM:
Austria: 2 supply centers, 2 units. No units to build or remove.
England: 1 supply center is, 3 units. 2 units must be removed.
France: 10 supply centers, 7 units. 3 units may be built.
Germany: 9 supply centers, 9 units. No units to build or remove.
Russia: 7 supply centers, 7 units. No units to build or remove.
Turkey: 5 supply centers, 4 units. 1 unit may be built.
England: 1 supply center is, 3 units. 2 units must be removed.
France: 10 supply centers, 7 units. 3 units may be built.
Germany: 9 supply centers, 9 units. No units to build or remove.
Russia: 7 supply centers, 7 units. No units to build or remove.
Turkey: 5 supply centers, 4 units. 1 unit may be built.
Supply Center Ownership:
Austria: Serbia, Trieste (2 total).
England: London (1 total).
France: Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Marseilles, Naples, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Spain, Tunis (10 total).
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Sevastopol, Sweden, Venice (9 total).
Italy: None.
Russia: Budapest, Moscow, Norway, Rumania, St. Petersburg, Vienna, Warsaw (7 total).
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Smyrna (5 total).
England: London (1 total).
France: Brest, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Marseilles, Naples, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Spain, Tunis (10 total).
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Sevastopol, Sweden, Venice (9 total).
Italy: None.
Russia: Budapest, Moscow, Norway, Rumania, St. Petersburg, Vienna, Warsaw (7 total).
Turkey: Ankara, Bulgaria, Constantinople, Greece, Smyrna (5 total).
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Fall 1905 Results
The Map:

The following retreats are due tomorrow, Friday, at 11:59PM:
The Russian Army in Tyrolia must retreat to Piemonte, Bohemia, or off the board.
The Russian Army in Silesia must retreat to Warsaw, Galicia, or off the board.
The Italian Fleet in Tunisia must retreat to North Africa, the Ionian Sea, or off the Board.
Fall 1905 Moves
The Moves:

Austria: A bud -> ser
Austria: F tri Holds
Austria: F tri Holds
Civil Disorder
England: A lon Holds
England: F nao Holds
England: F nth Holds
England: A lon Holds
England: F nao Holds
England: F nth Holds
France: F eng -> wal
France: F iri -> lvp
France: A lvp -> edi
France: A nap -> apu
France: F spa/sc -> mao
France: F tys Supports F wes -> tun
France: F wes -> tun
France: F iri -> lvp
France: A lvp -> edi
France: A nap -> apu
France: F spa/sc -> mao
France: F tys Supports F wes -> tun
France: F wes -> tun
No order for unit at Denmark. Hold order assigned.
Germany: A ber Supports A boh -> sil
Germany: A boh -> sil
Germany: F den Holds
Germany: F hol -> bel
Germany: A kie Supports A ber
Germany: A mos -> sev
Germany: A mun Supports A ven -> tyr
Germany: F swe -> nwy
Germany: A ber Supports A boh -> sil
Germany: A boh -> sil
Germany: F den Holds
Germany: F hol -> bel
Germany: A kie Supports A ber
Germany: A mos -> sev
Germany: A mun Supports A ven -> tyr
Germany: F swe -> nwy
Bounced with nwy (1 against 1).
Germany: A ven -> tyrItaly:
Italy: F tun -> wes
Bounced with wes (1 against 1).
Dislodged from wes (2 against 1).
Dislodged from wes (2 against 1).
The Fleet in Bulgaria cannot retreat; unit destroyed.
Civil Disorder
Russia: A arm Holds
Russia: F bul/ec Holds
Russia: A pru Holds
Russia: F rum Holds
Russia: A sil Holds
Russia: A arm Holds
Russia: F bul/ec Holds
Dislodged from con (3 against 1).
Russia: F nwy HoldsRussia: A pru Holds
Russia: F rum Holds
Russia: A sil Holds
Dislodged from boh (2 against 1).
Russia: A tyr HoldsDislodged from ven (2 against 1).
Russia: A vie HoldsTurkey:
Turkey: F aeg Supports F con -> bul/ec
Turkey: F ank -> bla
Turkey: F con -> bul/ec
Turkey: A gre Supports F con -> bul/ec
Turkey: F ank -> bla
Turkey: F con -> bul/ec
Turkey: A gre Supports F con -> bul/ec
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Spring 1905 Results
The Map:

Meanwhile, in the north, a three way bounce in Belgium seems to imply that France and Germany are going their own ways, deep into England and Russia, respectively. Can France manage an alliance with Russia? Can Turkey or Austria-Hungary strike a deal with Germany for their continued survival?
The Following retreat is due Wednesday Night at 11:59PM:
England must retreat from Liverpool to the North Atlantic, Clyde, or off the Board.
Spring 1905 Moves

Austria: A ser -> bud
Austria: F tri Holds
Austria: F tri Holds
England: F lvp Holds
Dislodged from wal (2 against 1).
England: A lon -> belBounced with eng (1 against 1).
Convoy path taken: lon→nth→bel.
England: F nth Convoys A lon -> belConvoy path taken: lon→nth→bel.
France: F eng -> bel
France: F mar -> spa/sc
France: F nap -> tys
France: A rom -> nap
France: A wal -> lvp
France: F wes Supports F nap -> tys
Bounced with lon (1 against 1).
France: F iri Supports A wal -> lvpFrance: F mar -> spa/sc
France: F nap -> tys
France: A rom -> nap
France: A wal -> lvp
France: F wes Supports F nap -> tys
Germany: A ber Holds
Germany: A boh Supports A mun
Germany: F den Holds
Germany: F hol -> bel
Germany: A mun Supports A boh
Germany: A war -> mos
Germany: A boh Supports A mun
Germany: F den Holds
Germany: F hol -> bel
Bounced with lon (1 against 1).
Germany: A kie Supports A berGermany: A mun Supports A boh
Support cut by Move from Tyrolia.
Germany: F swe -> nwyBounced with nwy (1 against 1).
Germany: A ven Supports F triGermany: A war -> mos
Italy: F ion -> tun
Russia: A arm -> smy
Russia: F bul/ec Holds
Russia: F nwy Holds
Russia: A pru -> ber
Russia: A sil Supports A tyr -> mun
Russia: A tyr -> mun
Bounced with con (1 against 1).
Russia: A bud -> vieRussia: F bul/ec Holds
Russia: F nwy Holds
Russia: A pru -> ber
Bounced with ber (1 against 2).
Russia: F rum Supports F bul/ecRussia: A sil Supports A tyr -> mun
Russia: A tyr -> mun
Bounced with mun (2 against 2).
No order for unit at Ankara. Hold order assigned.
Turkey: F aeg Supports A gre
Turkey: F ank Holds
Turkey: F con -> smy
Turkey: F aeg Supports A gre
Turkey: F ank Holds
Turkey: F con -> smy
Bounced with arm (1 against 1).
Turkey: A gre HoldsFriday, March 12, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Winter 1905
The Map

The following builds are due Thursday night at 11:59PM:
Austria: 2 supply centers, 2 units. No units to build or remove.
England: 3 supply centers, 3 units. No units to build or remove.
France: 7 supply centers, 6 units. 1 unit may be built.
Germany: 9 supply centers, 7 units. 2 units may be built.
Italy: 1 supply center is, 3 units. 2 units must be removed.
Russia: 8 supply centers, 9 units. 1 unit must be removed.
Turkey: 4 supply centers, 4 units. No units to build or remove.
France: 7 supply centers, 6 units. 1 unit may be built.
Germany: 9 supply centers, 7 units. 2 units may be built.
Italy: 1 supply center is, 3 units. 2 units must be removed.
Russia: 8 supply centers, 9 units. 1 unit must be removed.
Turkey: 4 supply centers, 4 units. No units to build or remove.
Supply Center Ownership:
Austria: Serbia, Trieste
England: Edinburgh, Liverpool, London
France: Brest, Marseilles, Naples, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Spain
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Sweden, Venice, Warsaw
Italy: Tunis
Russia: Budapest, Bulgaria, Moscow, Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, St. Petersburg, Vienna
Turkey: Ankara, Constantinople, Greece, Smyrna
England: Edinburgh, Liverpool, London
France: Brest, Marseilles, Naples, Paris, Portugal, Rome, Spain
Germany: Belgium, Berlin, Denmark, Holland, Kiel, Munich, Sweden, Venice, Warsaw
Italy: Tunis
Russia: Budapest, Bulgaria, Moscow, Norway, Rumania, Sevastopol, St. Petersburg, Vienna
Turkey: Ankara, Constantinople, Greece, Smyrna
Monday, March 8, 2010
Fall 1904 Results
France invades England! Three powers, the Germans, the French, and the Russians seem to be emerging. Can Turkey, Austria-Hungry, or England still influence the game? Could one of them possibly emerge as a contender for these rapidly growing three great powers? Can Italy avoid annihilation in the coming year?

The following retreats are due on Tuesday night at 11:59PM:
Germany must retreat from the North Sea to the Norwegian Sea, Skagerack, Helgoland Blight, Holland, Belgium, York, or off the board.
Russia must retreat from Sweden to Finland, the Gulf of Bothnia, Skagerack, or off the board.
Fall 1904 Moves

Austria: A ser -> bud
Bounced with bud (1 against 1).
Austria: F tri HoldsEngland:
England: F edi -> nth
England: A lon Holds
England: F wal -> lvp
England: A lon Holds
England: F wal -> lvp
France: A bre -> wal
France: F lyo -> wes
France: F iri Supports A bre -> wal
France: A rom Supports A ven
Convoy path taken: bre→eng→wal.
France: F eng Convoys A bre -> walFrance: F lyo -> wes
France: F iri Supports A bre -> wal
France: A rom Supports A ven
Support cut by Move from Tuscany.
France: F tys -> napGermany:
Germany: F bal -> swe
Germany: F den Supports F bal -> swe
Germany: A lvn -> war
Germany: F nth -> nwy
Germany: A tyr -> boh
Germany: A ven Supports F tri
Germany: F den Supports F bal -> swe
Germany: A lvn -> war
Germany: F nth -> nwy
Bounced with nwy (1 against 1).
Dislodged from edi (2 against 1).
Germany: A sil -> berDislodged from edi (2 against 1).
Germany: A tyr -> boh
Germany: A ven Supports F tri
Italy: A alb -> gre
Italy: A tus -> rom
Bounced with gre (1 against 1).
Italy: F tun -> ionItaly: A tus -> rom
Bounced with rom (1 against 1).
Russia: A arm -> smy
Russia: F nwy Supports F edi -> nth
Russia: A pru Supports A war -> sil
Russia: F rum Supports F bul/ec
Russia: F swe -> den
Russia: A war -> sil
Bounced with aeg (1 against 1).
Russia: A bud -> serBounced with ser (1 against 1).
Russia: F bul/ec HoldsRussia: F nwy Supports F edi -> nth
Russia: A pru Supports A war -> sil
Russia: F rum Supports F bul/ec
Russia: F swe -> den
Bounced with den (1 against 1).
Dislodged from bal (2 against 1).
Russia: A vie -> tyrDislodged from bal (2 against 1).
Russia: A war -> sil
Turkey: F aeg -> smy
Turkey: F bla -> con
Turkey: A gre Holds
Bounced with arm (1 against 1).
Turkey: F ank HoldsTurkey: F bla -> con
Turkey: A gre Holds
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Fall 1904
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Spring 1904 Results
The Map:

England's options are shrinking as a powerful alliance between France and Germany seems to me forming. While Russia seems to be making progress in the south, Germany seems poised to strike a serious blow in the North. Meanwhile, Italy has been betrayed by an Austro-Hungarian ally clinging to life.
Can anyone stop France and Germany?
The following retreats are due Wednesday night at 11:59 PM:
The Italian Army in Trieste must retreat to Albania or disband.
The Turkish Army in Bulgaria must retreat to Greece, Constantinople, or disband.
Spring 1904 Moves

Austria: F adr -> tri
Austria: A ser Supports F adr -> tri
Austria: A ser Supports F adr -> tri
England: F edi -> nth
England: A lon Supports F lvp -> wal
Bounced with bel (1 against 1).
England: F lvp -> walEngland: A lon Supports F lvp -> wal
France: A bre Holds
France: F eng Supports F bel -> nth
France: F mar -> lyo
France: F mao -> iri
France: A rom Supports A ven
France: F eng Supports F bel -> nth
France: F mar -> lyo
France: F mao -> iri
France: A rom Supports A ven
Support cut by Move from Tuscany.
France: F wes -> tysGermany:
Germany: F bal Convoys A den -> lvn
Germany: F bel -> nth
Germany: A den -> lvn
Germany: A sil -> war
Germany: F bel -> nth
Germany: A den -> lvn
Convoy path taken: den→bal→lvn.
Germany: F nth -> denGermany: A sil -> war
Bounced with war (1 against 1).
Germany: A tyr -> vieFailed because Russia: A vie -> tri failed.
Germany: A ven Supports F adr -> triItaly:
Italy: A tri Supports A vie -> tyr
Support failed. Supported unit's order does not match support given.
Dislodged from adr (3 against 1).
Italy: A tus -> romDislodged from adr (3 against 1).
Bounced with rom (1 against 1).
Italy: F tys -> tunRussia:
Russia: A arm -> smy
Russia: A bud Supports F rum
Russia: A lvn -> pru
Russia: F nwy Supports F swe
Russia: F rum Supports F bla -> bul/ec
Russia: F swe Supports F nwy
Russia: A vie -> tri
Bounced with aeg (1 against 1).
Russia: F bla -> bul/ecRussia: A bud Supports F rum
Russia: A lvn -> pru
Russia: F nwy Supports F swe
Russia: F rum Supports F bla -> bul/ec
Russia: F swe Supports F nwy
Russia: A vie -> tri
Bounced with adr (1 against 1).
Russia: A war Supports A lvn -> pruSupport cut by Move from Silesia.
Turkey: F aeg -> smy
Turkey: A bul Supports A ser -> rum
Bounced with arm (1 against 1).
Turkey: F ank Supports F con -> blaTurkey: A bul Supports A ser -> rum
Support failed. Supported unit's order does not match support given.
Dislodged from bla (2 against 1).
Turkey: F con -> blaDislodged from bla (2 against 1).
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